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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 24


           Consul General Pradhan Kicks off Initiative

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
               early 60 prominent members of the Indian
               community from New York and New Jer-
        Nsey, including business leaders, community
        activists, and heads of several organizations assem-
        bled to kick off an initiative to increase the mem-
        bership of the Congressional Caucus on India and
        Indian Americans.
            The event hosted by Ratna & Varinder Bhalla
        was inspired by the Consul General of India, Am-
        bassador Binaya Pradhan who noted the declin-
        ing membership of the Caucus over the years and
        asked Mr. Bhalla, Chairman of the Indian Amer-
        ican Voters Forum to launch a membership drive
        for the India Caucus. Bhalla discussed the plan
        with Congressman Tom Suozzi who enthusiastical-
        ly endorsed the initiative.
            India Caucus is a bipartisan coalition of Amer-
        ican lawmakers aimed at advocating the interests
        of the Indian American community and strength-
        ening relations between India and the United
            India Caucus was founded in 1993, initially
        with nearly 100 congressmen; over the years, its
        membership went up and down, peaking at 200
        and currently only 109.  Some congressmen of the
        Caucus resigned from Congress, others lost an
        election and one  Caucus  member,  NJ  Congress-
        man Donald Payne died last month.
            The Indian American Voters Forum, the brain-
        child of Varinder Bhalla, was founded in 2008 to
        enhance the participation of the Indian community
        in the political mainstream. Earlier, Bhalla had led  ponents for election to the US House of Repre-
        a nationwide voter registration drive, for which he  sentatives and got their commitment that winner
        interviewed former US President Gerald Ford and  of the election would join the India Caucus.
        several congressional leaders.                   Congressman Joe Crowley, Co-Chair of the
            In 2009, the Forum conceived a novel ap-  Caucus, appeared on the Riti Bhalla Special thrice
        proach to attract congressional leaders into the In-  and inducted several congressmen into the India
        dia Caucus, by celebrating the Independence Day  Caucus.
        of India, and televising it across the United States.   With inspiration from Ambassador Pradhan,
        Riti Bhalla Special, the television show, named  earlier this month, a committee was formed with a
        after the young host, attracted 22 congressional  dedicated mission to increase membership of the
        leaders who were motivated by the opportunity to  India Caucus.
        create goodwill with their Indian American con-  With Bhalla as Chairman, the committee
        stituents across the U.S. Several governors who led  includes community stalwarts Padmashri Dr.
        trade delegations to India also appeared as guests  Sudhir Parikh, Padmashri Dr. Dattatreyudu
        in the program.                              Nori, Dr. Thomas Abraham, Dr. Sunil Mehra,
            Bhalla strategically decided to invite only those  Rajeev Bhambri, Ratna Bhalla, Gobind Mun-
        congressional leaders who were either part of India  jal, Gunjan Rastogi, Sudhir Vaishnav, and Dev
        Caucus or were willing to join and bring in other  Vishwanath.
        congressmen with them.                           Launch of the committee had its first success
            In 2010, Senator Gillibrand announced on  when Congressman Tom Suozzi committed to join
        Riti Bhalla Special that she was joining the Senate  the India Caucus and use his influence to bring in
        India Caucus, founded in 2004 by Senator Hillary  other congressional leaders into the Caucus.
        Clinton and Senator John Cornyn. Pursued by the   Judge Anthony Paradiso welcomed the Am-
        Forum, Congresswoman Kathleen Rice joined the  bassador on behalf of the judiciary of New York.
        India Caucus in 2017.                        Dr.  Sudha  Parikh welcomed  the  ambassador
            Also in 2017, the Forum interviewed two op-  with flowers. Ambassador Pradhan called Suozzi              Continued on next page... >>

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