Page 19 - The Indian EYE 061424
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 19

          Congratulations pour in for PM Modi with the hope

                    of India-US positive momentum to continue

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            tary  elections  since  1947  and  never
                                                                                                              having to deal with allegations of
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              massive rigging or stolen mandates.
              ongratulating Prime Minister                                                                    That is commitment to democracy,”
              Narendra Modi on his third                                                                      he said in a social media post.
        Cconsecutive electoral victory,                                                                             African-American singer Mary
        a top American corporate leader ex-                                                                   Millben described Modi’s third suc-
        uded  confidence  about  the  positive                                                                cessive electoral victory as a “historic
        Indo-US momentum continuing.                                                                          day” for India and the world. “The re-
            “Congratulations to Prime Min-                                                                    election of my friend, His Excellency
        ister Narendra Modi, who has cap-                                                                     Prime Minister Narendra Modi and
        tured his third term during India’s                                                                   the dawn of a New India,” she said in
        general election. Under his leader-                                                                   a video message. “As you enter your
        ship, India has made tremendous                                                                       historic third term, I hope you will
        progress economically and with digi-                                                                  continue to be God’s ambassador
        tisation,”  Cisco Chairman  Emeritus                                                                  as you lead. For, in service to God,
        John Chambers said in a social me-                                                                    you will not fail the people of India,
        dia post. He added, “Keep an eye on                                                                   the precious 1.4 billion lives you have
        India -- I have no doubt this positive                                                                been chosen to serve,” she said.
        momentum will continue.”                                                                                  Former US Congresswoman
            Modi has formed the govern-                                                                       Tulsi Gabbard also congratulated
        ment for a third consecutive term                                                                     Modi. “Congratulations to Narendra
        with the BJP-led National Democrat-                                                                   Modi on yet another election victo-
        ic Alliance (NDA) getting a majority   erendum on his popularity.       Husain Haqqani, a former Paki-  ry. As the world’s oldest and largest
        in the Lok Sabha, notwithstanding     The Election Commission of India   stani ambassador to the US, congrat-  democracies, I look forward to con-
        crushing losses in three Hindi heart-  has declared results for 542 of the 543   ulated the people of India. “Congrat-  tinuing to work with you around our
        land states after a bitterly fought   Lok Sabha constituencies, with the BJP   ulations to the people of India for   people’s common goals and mutual
        election that was projected as a ref-  winning 240 seats and the Congress 99.  going through their 18th parliamen-  interests,” she said.

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