Page 22 - The Indian EYE 061424
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 22

         GOPIO-CT Participates In The Ethinc

               Festival To Celebrate Stamford Day

                                                                             All dancers, parents and GOPIO-CT officials

        OUR BUREAU                        from Southern Connecticut were at
                                          the festival. Indian  American com-
        Stamford, CT
                                          munity had the largest participation
               lobal Organization of People   with 40 dancers.
               of Indian Origin - Connecti-   GOPIO-CT’s Exec VP Mahesh
        Gcut Chapter (GOPIO-CT)           Jhangiani spoke about the chapter at
        has been participating in the Annu-  the event. Jhangiani spoke about the
        al Stamford Day Celebration for the   chapter which has been serving the
        last three years. Stamford Day is a   Southern Connecticut community
        celebration of Stamford’s history and   for the last 18 years. Which includes
        diversity. Stamford was founded on   raising funds for various charities,
        May 16th, 1641, 383 years ago and   sponsoring soup kitchens at the New
        has grown into one of the most di-  Covenant Center of Stamford and
        verse cities in the country.      raising funds by participating in the
                                          annual walkathon for Bennet Cancer
        Stamford Mayor’s Multicultural    Center which provides help to Can-
        Council and Mill River Park Col-  cer patients and their families.
                                              Stamford Mayor Caroline Sim-
        laborative organized the Stamford   mons spoke at the event thanked all
        Day 2024, as a free, fun, fami-   community groups for their partici-
        ly-friendly  event  celebrating  the   pation.                                         GOPIO-CT Officials with Stamford Mayor
                                              Stamford Mayor Caroline Sim-
        rich history and cultural diversity   mons with GOPIO-CT officials, from
        of Stamford through presenta-     l. to r.: Exec. VP Mahesh Jhangiani,
        tions, activities, art, music, and   Advisor Dr. Thomas Abraham, May-
                                          or Simmons, Trustee Prasad Chinta-
        dance on Sunday, June 2nd at Mill   lapudi and Jayashri Chintalapudi
        River Park in Stamford.               Mill River Park is located in the
                                          Downtown Stamford and is like a
            GOPIO-CT put together a fab-  Central  Park for Stamford.  A  large
        ulous program of dances from India   crowd attended the celebration
        performed by five dance groups and   which had ethnic dances from differ-
        coordinated by Program Chair Mrs.   ent communities.
        Yaashi  Jhangiani.  Most  non-profit             Gujarati Folk Dancers >
        civic, cultural and educational groups

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