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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                        New Yorkers Rally to Support Older Adult

         Community and Help End Elder Abuse at NYC Aging’s

                         World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Event

         The WEAAD day of action included a com munity walk and a support and resource fair.

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            our elders at our 3rd Annual Senior
                                                                                                              Day in Harlem to celebrate them and
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              recognize them as the foundation of
                ore than 200 people rallied                                                                   our community.”
                in Sunnyside, Queens, on
        MSunday to raise awareness                                                                                “Elder crime can mean many
        about elder abuse, support survivors,                                                                 different things; emotional abuse,
        and empower all older adults with                                                                     neglect, physical abuse, and sexual
        critical information and resources to                                                                 abuse to name a few.  But the most
        prevent abuse, neglect, and exploita-                                                                 common crimes perpetrated against
        tion.                                                                                                 older adults is rampant fraud and fi-
            The World Elder Abuse Aware-                                                                      nancial exploitation. Financial crimes
        ness Day (WEAAD) event com-                                                                           against older adults in the U.S. cost
        menced with a community march                                                                         an astonishing amount. Some reports
        down Queens Boulevard, represent-                                                                     estimate it to be $3.4 billion per year,”
        ing a collective effort to draw atten-                                                                said Assemblymember Ron Kim,
        tion to the many harms of elder abuse                                                                 Chair of the Assembly Committee on
        and stand in solidarity with survivors.                                                               Aging. “As the Chair of the Assem-
        A resource and supports fair fea-                                                                     bly Committee on Aging, I’m always
        turing insights from community and                                                                    looking for ways to raise awareness,
        government resource organizations,                                                                    work with law enforcement, and ed-
        elected officials, and survivors imme-                                                                ucate our communities about how to
        diately followed, offering attendees                                                                  protect their loved ones against the
        the opportunity to engage with the                                                                    many predatory schemes out there.
        numerous NYC Aging programs and                                                                       Today’s World Elder Abuse Aware-
        services available to those suffering                                                                 ness Day is a step in the right direc-
        from elder abuse.                                                                                     tion. I want to thank my partners at
            The event’s theme, “Building                                                                      New York City’s Department for the
        Strong Supports for Elders,” empha-                                                                   Aging and look forward to continu-
        sized the importance of creating a                                                                    ing our work on Elder Crime aware-
        robust network of support for older                                                                   ness and prevention.”
        adult victims of abuse. In the Unit-                                                                      “We’re proud to partner with
        ed States, an estimated 1 in 10 older                                                                 NYC Aging in the important work
        adults who live at home experienced                                                                   of supporting those who have expe-
        abuse in the past year alone, but only                                                                rienced elder abuse. It is crucial for
        1 in 24 cases of elder abuse are re-                                                                  New Yorkers to recognize the signs
        ported or receive needed assistance.                                                                  of elder abuse and to be aware of
            “Today’s World Elder Abuse                                                                        the resources available to help those
        Awareness Day event demonstrated                                                                      affected,” said Judy Zangwill, Execu-
        the power of our community to pro-                                                                    tive Director of Sunnyside Commu-
        vide critical support for survivors and                                                               nity Services. “Events like the World
        raise awareness in order to prevent   der abuse, yet only 1 in 24 cases are   palled by any form of elder abuse,   Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the
        further abuse, neglect, and exploita-  ever reported,” said Deputy May-  and as Chair of the Aging Commit-  resource fair held at Sunnyside Com-
        tion of older adults,” said Depart-  or for Health and Human Services   tee, I am committed to protecting   munity Services, and our own Elder
        ment for the Aging Commissioner   Anne Williams-Isom. “Today’s event   our seniors,” said NY State Sena-  Justice program play an important
        Lorraine  Cortés-Vázquez.  “The   underscores our commitment to sup-  tor Cordell Cleare. “My bill, Senate   role in educating individuals about
        coalition of survivors, advocates,   porting survivors and preventing fu-  9138, will establish an interagency   this issue and providing them with
        community leaders, and supporters   ture abuse to ensure the safety and   elder justice task force consisting of   the necessary tools and information
        shined a light on elder abuse, offering   well-being of the city’s nearly 1.8M   representatives from state agencies   to combat abuse.”
        victims critical resources to rebuild   older residents. We will continue to   involved in elder justice to create   World Elder Abuse Awareness
        their lives and declaring in no uncer-  uphold the values of dignity and re-  greater  collaboration  and  develop   Day, observed on June 15, is an in-
        tain terms that these heinous crimes   spect that they so richly deserve.”  overarching strategies, systems, and   ternational effort to raise awareness
        have no place in New York City.”      “During National Elder Abuse   programs to protect older adults   and promote the dignity and well-be-
            “Across the United States, 10%   Month, it is essential to emphasize   from abuse and mistreatment. Ad-  ing  of  older  adults  by  preventing
        of all older adults are victims of el-  Elder Abuse Awareness. I am ap-  ditionally, my office will be honoring   abuse and neglect.

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