Page 21 - The Indian EYE 061424
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 21

        about  the  significance  of  Deepavali   portal - CheapOair, Mount Sinai
        Celebrations and the importance of   Hospital, Northwell Health System,
        supporting educational excellence in   Mattoo Center for India Studies,
        the Indian-American community.    Brooklyn Hospital Center, Navika
            Dr. Samin Sharma, Chairman    Group of Companies, Blue-Sky Hos-
        of the AIA Board of Trustees, high-  pitality Solutions, Parker Jewish In-
        lighted the achievements of Indian   stitute, CenterLight Healthcare, and
        Americans in healthcare and cor-  media partners.
        porate America. Citations for AIA-    The event concluded with a
        NY and the honorees were received   sumptuous dinner, dancing, and en-
        from various dignitaries, including   tertainment.
        the Indian Consulate, Congressman     AIA is one of the oldest ethnic
        Tom Suozzi, Nassau County Execu-  organizations representing the Indian
        tive Bruce Blakeman, and New York   community in America. It aims to pro-
        State Senator Kevin Thomas.       mote cultural understanding, assimila-
            Dr. Gupta thanked all the spon-  tion, and recognition of Indian tradi-
        sors and partners, including Fare-  tions and heritage in the United States.
                                                                             Senator Schumer and Honorees - Dr. Vishal Kapur with his family, Dr. Raman Sharma & Mrs.
                                                                                          Clara Sharma, Mr. Naveen Shah & Mrs. Rajshree Shah

         (from left) Mrs. Meena Gupta greeting Senator Schumer, Beena Kothari - Gala Chair, AIA-NY   (From left) Mrs. Meena Gupta, Dr. Gupta, Senator Chuck Schumer, Honorees Mr. Naveen Shah,
                    President Dr. Jagdish Gupta, and Mr. Naveen Shah-Honoree      Dr. Raman Sharma, Prof. S.N. Sridhar, Dr. Vishal Kapur and Dr. Rekha Bhandari

                                          Vote of Thanks from the Executive Committee group actively involved with the Gala Celebrations.

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