Page 16 - The Indian EYE 061424
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                  JUNE 14, 2024

                                              “CITY OF YES” PROPOSAL

          NYC Mayor Adams Celebrates New Age of

                    Economic Opportunity For The City


        OUR BUREAU
        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams and New
              York City Department of City Planning
        N(DCP) Director and City Planning Com-
        mission (CPC) Chair Dan Garodnick on Monday
        celebrated the New York City Council’s approval
        of “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,” a set of
        citywide zoning changes the Adams administration
        introduced that will further fuel New York City’s
        economic recovery and pave the way for a more
        inclusive  and  prosperous future  for  New York
        businesses. Together, the proposed set of changes
        will help businesses find space and grow, support
        entrepreneurs  and  freelancers,  boost  growing  in-
        dustries, and enable more vibrant streetscapes and
        commercial  corridors.  City  of  Yes  for  Economic
        Opportunity is the second of the Adams adminis-
        tration’s three “City of Yes” initiatives — the first
        being “City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality,” and the
        third being “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity.”   New York City by 2032 and finally tackle our city’s   “‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ is a
           “When we came into office two years ago, we   housing crisis. We look forward to working with   huge opportunity for the Adams administration
        committed to turning New York City into a ‘City   the City Council to deliver this important win for   to take a major step forward to drive econom-
        of Yes.’ We unveiled three landmark proposals to   New Yorkers.”                           ic growth across New York City, while enabling
        transform our city’s zoning laws and help combat   “Today marks a significant milestone for New   more vibrant public spaces and revitalizing some
        climate change, unleash job growth, and build new  York City’s economic  future,” said First Deputy   of our commercial corridors,” said New York City
        housing,” said Mayor Adams. “With today’s pas-  Mayor Sheena Wright. “With the approval of ‘City   Economic Development Corporation President
        sage of ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’ we   of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’ we’re not just   and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kimball. “I
        have taken another historic step to bring our city’s   embracing change, we’re championing it. These   applaud the City Council for recognizing the im-
        zoning code into the 21st century and build a more   zoning changes reflect our commitment to foster-  portance of these zoning changes, which will be
        inclusive and prosperous economy. Our proposal   ing a more inclusive and vibrant city, where busi-  critical to growing small businesses, and the De-
        will replace  outdated restrictions  on  businesses   nesses can thrive, entrepreneurs can flourish, and   partment of City Planning, and so many other city
        with new rules that support sustainable job growth,  our communities can grow. As we pave the way for a   agencies, for the enormous amount of work they
        help businesses open and expand, and fill vacant   more prosperous future, let’s remember: in the ‘City   put in and for their continued advocacy for this
        storefronts. After decades of inaction, it will move   of Yes,’ opportunities abound for all New Yorkers.”  critical initiative.”
        our city’s zoning code into the future, laying the   “The ‘City of Yes’ is a landmark proposal driv-  “The ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’
        foundation  for  long-term  growth  across  all  five   en by the vital role of small businesses in powering   increased densities and greater flexibility in build-
        boroughs. Quite simply, it will take us from a ro-  our city’s economy, and the ‘City of Yes for Eco-  ing layout and bulk will help foster thriving com-
        tary phone mentality and bring us into the smart   nomic Opportunity,’ builds on this foundation, po-  mercial and industrial districts throughout New
        phone world. Thank you to our partners in the City   sitioning New York City as the leader in growth and   York City,” said Jesse Solomon, executive director
        Council — including Speaker Adams and Chairs   quality of life,” said New York City Department   of the Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Develop-
        Riley and Salamanca — who delivered a land-   of Small Business Services Commissioner Kevin   ment Corporation. “We are particularly heartened
        mark win for all New Yorkers with today’s vote.  D. Kim. “By modernizing our zoning laws, we are   by non-industrial restrictions in core industrial dis-
        However, our work is not yet complete. Later this   creating new opportunities and empowering our   tricts and increased industrial incentive bonuses
        year, the City Council will vote on the third and   small businesses to reach their full potential. We   in transition districts – we believe these measures
        final piece of our plan: ‘City of Yes for Housing   thank the New York City Council and DCP Direc-  will spur new industrial development and continue
        Opportunity.’ By building a little more housing in   tor Dan Garodnick for their pivotal role in passing   to grow the number of accessible good-paying in-
        every neighborhood, we can get significantly closer   this milestone legislation and ensuring the success   dustrial jobs that form the backbone of New York
        to our goal of building 500,000 new homes across   of our communities.”                    City’s economy.”

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