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OPINION                                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 12

          The meaning of Xi Jinping’s Visit

               to France, Serbia and Hungary

        DR. TESHU SINGH                                                                                       addition, six measures to support this
                                                                                                              initiative were announced.
             resident Xi Jinping visited                                                                          Xi Jinping visited Hungary in his
             France, Serbia and Hungary                                                                       third and last leg of the tour, as the
        Pfrom 5 to 10 May 2024. He vis-                                                                       two countries mark the 75 years of
        ited Europe after a gap of five years,                                                                diplomatic relations. China and Hun-
        and the countries have been chosen                                                                    gary decided to elevate their ties to an
        depending on their relevance to Chi-                                                                  “all-weather comprehensive strategic
        na. This year marks the 60th anniver-                                                                 partnership in the new era”. Notably,
        sary of diplomatic relations between                                                                  China has used similar phrases to de-
        China and France and 75 years of                                                                      scribe its relations with Uzbekistan,
        diplomatic relations with Hungary. In                                                                 Tajikistan and Venezuela. In 2023,
        Serbia, it marks the 25th year of the                                                                 Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Or-
        NATO bombing of the Chinese Em-                                                                       ban attended the third Belt and Road
        bassy in Belgrade. The paper aims to                                                                  Forum held in China.
        analyse Xi Jinping’s visit to the three                                                                   The  countries  chosen  for  Presi-
        European countries and the major                                                                      dent Xi Jinping’s visit were symboli-
        takeaways.                                                                                            cally significant. He chose France to
            President Xi Jinping met French                                                                   smoothen its relationship and Serbia
        President Emmanuel Macron and       President Xi Jinping met French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission   and Hungary to highlight the benefits
        European Commission President Ur-                                                                     of close, non-confrontational ties with
        sula von der Leyen in France. They               President Ursula von der Leyen in France (Agency)    China. It was clear that the mission
        discussed various issues of global                                                                    was to divide and conquer. The US
        importance and deliberated on the   tices.  She  pointed  towards  China’s   1999 airstrike on the Chinese Embas-  envoy for the Western Balkans Gabri-
        Ukraine issue and trade. Macron ex-  “market distortion practices” and   sy in Belgrade. Xi Jinping wrote in the   el Escobar had mentioned that his trip
        pressed concern over the ongoing war   massive subsidies for the electric ve-  Politika  that  NATO  had  “flagrantly   was intended to drive a wedge among
        and emphasised that there cannot be   hicle and steel industries. Recently,   bombed the Chinese embassy in Yu-  the European states. “We caution all
        security in Europe without security in   the issue of overcapacity and dump-  goslavia”, warning that China would   of our partners and all of our interloc-
        Ukraine. He said, “We are at a histor-  ing underpriced products into the   “never allow such tragic history to re-  utors to be very aware of China’s agen-
        ical turning point where threats are at   European Union and United States   peat itself”. Xi Jinping, however, did   da in Europe and China’s agenda with
        an unprecedented level and the risks   markets has become a bone of con-  not visit the site of the former embas-  regard to the European Community.”
        of global fragmentation are consider-  tention in China-EU relations. At   sy. This is interpreted as a potentially   Xi Jinping’s visit could be instru-
        able”. He also denounced the trade   the trilateral meeting (Xi Jinping,   positive sign that China is trying to   mental in preventing the worsening of
        practices of China. Macron took Xi   Emmanuel  Macron  and  Ursula  von   avoid inflaming US-China tensions.  China-Europe ties, as has happened
        Jinping to the Pyrenees Mountains, a   der Leyen), Ursula von der Leyen   In 2016, China and Serbia es-  in the US-China relations. Further,
        mountainous area in southern France   indicated that Europe “will not wa-  tablished a Comprehensive Strategic   on the domestic front, the visit has
        that is close to the home of Macron’s   ver from making tough decisions   Partnership during Xi Jinping’s visit.   demonstrated to the Chinese public
        maternal  grandmother.  It  signifies   needed to protect its economy and   This is his second visit in eight years   that Xi Jinping is still well received in
        that Macron is trying to build a per-  security.” However, Xi Jinping ruled   to Serbia. At the press conference, Xi   Europe.
        sonal bonhomie with Xi Jinping.   out that there is no such thing as   Jinping said, “Eight years ago, Serbia   Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe has
            Xi Jinping called on France to re-  “China’s  overcapacity  problem”.  became  China’s  first  comprehensive   opened new chapters of relation-
        sist a “new cold war” or bloc confron-  China and France signed 18 co-  strategic partner in the Central and   ships with the visited countries and
        tation as the European Union aligns   operation agreements and released   Eastern European region, and today   heralded a new era of renewed ties
        with the United States over security   four  joint declarations.  The  agree-  Serbia  is  the  first  European  country   with Europe through enhanced soli-
        risks and trade tensions. He also reit-  ments included green development,   to build a community of destiny with   darity,  mutual  trust  and  confidence.
        erated European Strategic Autonomy   aviation, agri-food, commerce, and   China,  fully  reflecting  the  strategic,   Xi Jinping successfully avoided the
        (to reduce European reliance on US   people-to-people exchanges. The   special and high level of China-Serbia   escalation of a trade war with Europe
        protection for its security) as a possible   joint  declarations  reflect  shared  pri-  relations”. Serbia has been a key coun-  during his visit. Notably, the visit re-
        route to a more multipolar world and a   orities and areas of collaboration. In   try in China’s Belt and Road Initiative.   flects a subtle geopolitical strategy of
        less US-dominated global order. Also,   the French leg of his Europe tour, Xi   It has become an important hub   Chinese foreign policy.
        both leaders called for a worldwide   Jinping’s objective was to engage with   and gateway to Europe for global in-  Dr. Teshu Singh is a Research Fellow
        ceasefire during the Olympic Games,   Europe so as to highlight the need for   frastructure and development strat-  at the Indian Council of World Affairs
        which will start in July. Macron ad-  Europe to work with all global players   egy.  An  agreement  to  deepen  and   (ICWA), New Delhi. Views expressed
        vocated making the Paris Games    and not be identified solely with the   elevate the Comprehensive Strategic    are personal
        “a diplomatic moment of peace”    United States.                    Partnership between China and Ser-
        and respecting the Olympic Truce.     Xi Jinping’s move stop from 7th   bia and “build a new era of a com-  This article first appeared on the website
            Ursula von der Leyen made di-  to 8th May 2024 was Serbia. This year   munity with a shared future” was also   ( of Indian Council of World
        rect remarks  on China’s trade  prac-  marks  the  25th  anniversary  of  the   signed between the two leaders. In   Affairs,  New  Delhi,  on  May  30,  2024

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