Page 10 - The Indian EYE 061424
P. 10

NATION                                                                   JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

                               TERROR IN JAMMU & KASHMIR

                  Victims’ families demand action against

         Pakistan as Lashkar hand suspected in attack

         The terror attack took place in J-K’s Reasi district on Sunday after a vehicle fell into a deep

            gorge after terrorists opened fire killing at least nine people and leaving over 30 injured

        OUR BUREAU
        Jammu/New Delhi
            n a terrorist attack that claimed
            the lives of nine pilgrims, the
        IJammu and Kashmir police have
        said that the terrorist group Lash-
        kar-e-Taiba is believed to be behind
        the attack on a bus Reasi district.
        Deputy  Inspector  General  of  Ud-
        hampur Reasi Range, Rayees Mo-
        hammad Bhat, provided an update
        on the investigation.
            The bus, coming from Shiv Khori
        shrine to Katra, carrying pilgrims
        was targeted by terrorists at around
        6.10 pm on Sunday, when it reached
        the Pouni area of Reasi district, bor-
        dering Rajouri district. Following the
        attack, the driver lost control and the
        bus plunged into the gorge killing at
        least nine people and leaving over 30
        injured, the officials said.
            According  to  officials,  the  bus,    Indian Army conduct a search operation in the area where a bus carrying pilgrims lost its control and fell into a gorge
        en route from the Shiv Khori shrine                            following an alleged terror attack, in Reasi on Monday (ANI)
        to Katra, was targeted by terrorists at
        around 6.10 pm when it reached the   have been involved in this attack. We   Mishra, said that his son has injuries   the deceased back. “Pawan Saini (his
        Pouni area of Reasi district, border-  have called a lot of people for ques-  on his arms and forehead.   brother) had told that he was being
        ing Rajouri district. J-K Lieutenant   tioning. As far as analysis till now, we   “My son, Atul Kumar Mishra,   taken to the hospital and he had no in-
        Governor Manoj Sinha condemned    see Lashkar’s hand”.              left for Vaishno Devi on June 6. He   formation about his wife (Pooja Saini)
        the attack and assured that those be-  Superintendent of Police (SSP)   reached there on 7th June and stayed   and two-year-old son (Livansh Saini).
        hind it would be punished.        Mohita Sharma said, “As per eyewit-  on June 8... When he was returning   The terror attack took place in
           “I strongly condemn the cowardly
        terror attack on a bus in Reasi. My   nesses, two (terrorists) were there as   on the 9th, at 5:30 pm, terrorists at-  J-K’s Reasi district on Sunday after
                                          of now. A combing operation is un-
                                                                                                              a vehicle fell into a deep gorge after
                                                                            tacked the bus, after which the bus
        condolences to the family members
        of the martyred civilians. Our secu-  derway in the area. Five teams have   fell into the ditch. My son has inju-  terrorists opened fire killing at least
                                          been formed to search in the area”.
                                                                                                              nine people and leaving over 30 in-
                                                                            ries on his arms and forehead and my
        rity forces and JKP have launched a   “Nine people are reportedly   daughter-in-law is also injured. They   jured. Jammu and Kashmir (J-K)
        joint operation to hunt down the ter-  feared dead and 33 were injured and   are doing fine and I was able to talk   Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha
        rorists,” the LG said in a post on X.  are being treated in different hospi-  to them quite a few times... They will   announced a ex-gratia amounting to
            DIG Udhampur, Rayees Mo-
        hammad Bhat said, “We have        tals,” she said. The SSP further said   come back today or tomorrow... Pa-  Rs 10 lakh each for the next of kin of
                                          that five teams have been formed to
                                                                            kistan was not happy with PM Modi
                                                                                                              deceased and Rs 50,000 each to the
        launched searches, following the   conduct the search operation in the   taking the oath. I request PM Modi   injured in Reasi terror attack.
        leads which we have regarding the   dense forest area in and around the   to give a befitting reply to Pakistan.   Also, a team from the National
        terror attack. 11 of our teams are   incident spot.                 This cowardly attack should not hap-  Investigation Agency (NIA) is as-
        active. All the forces are operating   Meanwhile, the family members   pen again,” Mishra said.       sessing the situation in Reasi and the
        jointly...We have called a lot of peo-  of the Reasi bus terror attack have   Meanwhile, Kirti Azad, the   NIA’s forensic team is working on
        ple for questioning. “As per the eye-
                                          urged Prime Minister Narendra
        witnesses we came to know that two   Modi to give a befitting reply to Pa-  brother-in-law of the deceased, de-  collecting evidence. The Jammu and
                                                                            manded strict action and requested
                                                                                                              Kashmir police said on Monday, that
        terrorists were there but as per our   kistan. Rajesh Kumar Mishra, father   that  the  central  and  state  govern-  at least two terrorists were involved
        analysis two to three terrorists must
                                          of one of the injured Atul Kumar   ments make arrangements to bring   in the attack.
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