Page 6 - The Indian EYE 061424
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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

        sukh Mandaviya has been assigned
        Ministry of Labour and Employment
        along with the Ministry of Youth Af-
        fairs and Sports. Hindustani Awam
        Morcha leader Jitan Ram has been
        allocated Ministry of Micro, Small
        and Medium Enterprises. Janata Dal
        (United) leader Rajiv Ranjan Singh
        (Lalan Singh) has been allocated
        Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj and  the
        Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Hus-
        bandry and Dairying.
            But the new government also
        seems to be aware of the problems
        ahead as the BJP’s tally of seats came
        down to 240 from 303 and the NDA’s
        total  number  now stands  at  294,       Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the PMO officials after assuming charge as the PM for the third successive term,
        which is much lower than its previous
        total of 353.                                                       at South Block, in New Delhi on Monday. (ANI)
            Modi 3.0 seems to be hitting the
        ground  running  with  focus  on  the   BJP leader S Jaishankar who   leadership of Prime Minister Naren-  framework.
        poor as the BJP lost crucial seats   steered India’s diplomatic course   dra Modi. “We also were the centre   The  External  Affairs  Minister
        in the all-important state of Uttar   during  Modi’s  second  term  took   of crucial operations like Operation   further delineated the nuanced ap-
        Pradesh. As the post-election anal-  charge as External Affairs Minister   Ganga and Operation Kaveri. In the   proach towards India’s relationships
        ysis reveals that the party and Modi   once again in the new government   last decade, this ministry under the   with Pakistan and China, acknowl-
        lost the support of the low-pay work-  and resumed his duties at the Min-  leadership of PM Modi has become   edging the distinct challenges each
        ers and the unemployed, the govern-  istry of External Affairs in South   a very people-centric ministry. You   presents. “As far as Pakistan and Chi-
        ment is now working with caution.   Block on Tuesday. “It is an immense   can see that in terms of our improved   na are concerned, the relations with
            In this direction, Modi on Mon-  honour to be once again given the re-  passport services, community welfare   those countries are different, and the
        day chaired his first Union Cabinet   sponsibility of leading the Ministry of   fund support that we give to Indians   problems there are also different,”
        meeting after taking the oath as PM of   External Affairs,” the 69-year-old ca-  abroad,” he said.    he stated, recognising the multifacet-
        his third term and decided to provide   reer diplomat turned politician said   Jaishankar provided insights into   ed nature of bilateral ties.
        assistance to 30 million additional ru-  outside his office at South Block.   India’s diplomatic roadmap for the   Looking ahead, Jaishankar ar-
        ral and urban households for the con-  He added that PM Modi has giv-  next five years, emphasising stability,   ticulated a vision of India as a glob-
        struction of houses under the Prad-  en  the  ‘Bharat  first’  foreign  policy.   resolution of border issues with Chi-  al leader, stating, “Together, we are
        han Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY).    Reflecting  on  the  achievements  of   na, and addressing cross-border ter-  very  confident  it  will  position  us  as
            It has been decided in the Union   the previous term, he highlighted the   rorism with Pakistan. “In any country   ‘Vishwa Bandhu’, a country which is
        Cabinet meeting to provide assis-  ministry’s exceptional performance,   and especially in a democracy, it is a   in a very turbulent world, in a very di-
        tance to 3 crore additional rural and   citing milestones such as delivering   very big deal for a government to get   vided world, a world of conflicts and
        urban  households  for  the  construc-  the G20 presidency and spearhead-  elected three times in a row. So, the   tensions. It would actually position us
        tion of houses, to meet the housing   ing vital initiatives like Vaccine Mai-  world  will  definitely  feel  that  today   as a country which is trusted by many,
        requirements arising out of the in-  tri amidst the challenges posed by the   there is a lot of political stability in   whose prestige and influence, whose
        crease in the number of eligible fam-  COVID-19 pandemic.           India,” Jaishankar said, highlighting   interests will be advanced.”
        ilies. The decision is in response to   Furthermore,  Jaishankar  un-  India’s rare achievement of consec-  Earlier,  Union Minister  Amit
        the growing number of families that   derscored the foreign ministry’s   utive electoral victories, underscor-  Shah on Monday expressed gratitude
        qualify for housing assistance.   people-centric approach under the   ing the nation’s robust democratic   to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for
            The government has been imple-                                                                    reassigning the roles of Minister of
        menting the Pradhan Mantri Awas                                                                       Home Affairs and Minister of Coop-
        Yojana since 2015-16 to provide as-                                                                   eration in the newly formed Bharati-
        sistance  to  eligible  rural  and  urban                                                             ya Janata Party government. “Grat-
        households for the construction of                                                                    itude to PM Shri @narendramodiJi
        houses with basic amenities. Under                                                                    for reposing trust and reassigning me
        PMAY, a total of 4.21 crore (42 mil-                                                                  the roles of Minister of Home Affairs
        lion) houses have been completed                                                                      and Minister of Cooperation,” Amit
        for eligible poor families under the                                                                  Shah said in a post on ‘X’.
        housing schemes in the last 10 years.                                                                     On empowering farmers and vil-
            All the houses constructed un-                                                                    lages through the Ministry of Coop-
        der PMAY are provided with other                                                                      eration, Shah said, “Under the astute
        basic amenities such as household                                                                     leadership of Modi Ji, the Ministry of
        toilets, LPG connections, electricity                                                                 Cooperation will remain committed
        connections, functional household                                                                     to empowering farmers and villages
        tap connections, etc. through con-                                                                    with the vision of ‘Sahakaar Se Sam-
        vergence with other schemes of the                                                                    riddhi’.”
        central government and the State                                                                          Modi  3.0  has  just  begun.  Over
        governments.                      External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar accompanied by Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra arrives   the months, it may undergo change.
            However, one area where there   to assume charge as the EAM for the second consecutive term, at the Ministry of External   Right  now, Modi  is  steering  a  gov-
        will be a complete continuity is the      Affairs, South Block, in New Delhi on Tuesday (ANI Photo/Shrikant Singh)  ernment that will provide continuity
        foreign policy.                                                                                       with caution.

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