Page 4 - The Indian EYE 061424
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BIG STORY                                                                JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                               MODI GOVERNMENT 3.0


                         & CAUTION

                       Prime Minister Narendra Modi retains most ministers from his second term.

                     But he gives important portfolios to NDA allies and begins to focus on the poor.

                                           Which direction the government is likely to go?

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi
               arendra Modi has begun his
               third innings as the Prime
        NMinister of India. With a re-
        duced majority and fewer seats in
        the Parliament, the new government
        looks  like a combination  continuity
        and caution. This time BJP’s allies
        in the National Democratic Alliance
        have joined the Cabinet.
            PM Modi and 71 members of
        his ministerial team took the oath
        of  office  at  Rashtrapati  Bhavan  on
        Sunday. The team has 30 cabinet
        ministers, five ministers of state (In-
        dependent Charge) and 36 Minis-
        ters of State. BJP-led NDA scored
        a hat-trick victory in the results of
        Lok Sabha polls declared earlier this   Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairs his first Union Cabinet meeting at the start of his third term in New Delhi on Monday (ANI)
        month and and won 293 seats.
            A day after the swearing-in cer-
        emony on Sunday, the BJP-led NDA   global economic uncertainties and   to the nation’s energy policies and   taining their portfolios of Defence,
        government under Prime Minister   domestic challenges, Sitharaman’s   strategic planning, as Prime Minister   Home, Finance and External Affairs.
        Narendra Modi set the ball running by   experience will be pivotal in crafting   Narendra Modi’s new cabinet em-  The four BJP leaders had the
        allocating key portfolios to ministers.   fiscal strategies to sustain growth and   barks on its third term.  same portfolios as the previous NDA
        Nirmala Sitharaman has been en-   stability. Many of the ministers have   The allocation of portfolios to   government. The cabinet formation
        trusted with the critical portfolios of   been retained with their last jobs in   the Union Council of Ministers in   and portfolio allocation also reflect-
        Finance and Corporate Affairs. This   the interest of continuity as well.  the Modi 3.0 govenrment on Mon-  ed the reality of numbers in the NDA
        assignment underscores her contin-    Nitin Jairam Gadkari’s ap-    day reflected continuity with change   government with BJP’s allies having
        ued role in India’s economic policies   pointment as the Minister of Road   as several senior leaders retained   greater representation.
        and managing corporate governance.  Transport and Highways signifies the   their portfolios of the previous BJP-  Janata Dal (Secular) leader HD
            This cabinet formation includes   government’s continued focus on in-  led NDA government and some new   Kumaraswamy, a former Chief Min-
        30 cabinet ministers, 36 ministers of   frastructure development and con-  faces also got key ministries that have   ister, has been entrusted with the re-
        state (MoS), and 5 MoS with inde-  nectivity enhancement. Piyush Goyal   a direct impact at the grassroots.  sponsibility of the Ministry of Heavy
        pendent charge from the BJP and   has been given the portfolio of Com-  The composition of the Cabinet   Industries and Public Enterprises
        its allies, marking the establishment   merce and Industry.         Committee on Security (CCS) re-   and the Ministry of Steel. Mano-
        of the National Democratic Alliance   Hardeep Singh Puri has retained   mains unchanged in the  new  NDA   har Lal Khattar has been appointed
        (NDA)  government  under  Prime   his position as the Minister of Petro-  government with Union Ministers   Minister of Housing and Urban Af-
        Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.  leum and Natural Gas. This marks   Rajnath Singh,  Amit Shah, Nirma-  fairs and Minister of Power. Man-
            As the country grapples with   his continued tenure in a role critical   la Sitharaman and S Jaishankar re-  Continued on next page... >>

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