Page 14 - The Indian EYE 061424
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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                          JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 14

              NYC SUMMER SAFETY: Enjoy NYC

        More This Summer Thanks to Additional

                Lifeguards and New Cooling Centers

                                                                                                              sands of miles away.
                                                                                                                  This year, we have updated our
                                                                                                              air quality emergency guidelines
                                                                                                              with new protocols and monitoring.
                                                                                                              We are doing more outreach to vul-
                                                                                                              nerable populations, and expanding
                                                                                                              protections for critical services and
                                                                                                              infrastructure, such as public trans-
                                                                                                              portation and hospitals. If there are
                                                                                                              serious air quality concerns, we can
                                                                                                              modify school operations and out-
                                                                                                              door events, and distribute high-qual-
                                                                                                              ity masks to the public.
                                                                                                                  New Yorkers are encouraged
                   ERIC ADAMS             Summers are different than they used to be. With climate change leading to more frequent and   to sign up for Notify NYC, the city’s
                                                                                                              free  emergency  notification  system,
              ast  weekend,  we  unofficially   intense heat, a heat wave can be more than just uncomfortable (File/Agency photo)   which keeps everyone updated about
              kicked off the summer in New                                                                    weather, air quality, and other emer-
        L York City during Memorial       ing are allowed ONLY when a life-  a broad variety of cooling center op-  gency issues. Notify NYC is available
        Day weekend. Our beaches are open   guard is on duty. Lifeguards are on   tions available in our city. These in-  in 14 languages, including American
        for the season, and our public pools   duty 7 days a week, from 10:00 AM   clude many of our public libraries,  Sign Language. Visit
        will open June 27. New York City has   until 6:00 PM through September 8.  older adult centers, and museums,  to sign up or call 3-1-1. You can also
        so much to see and do that people   They are looking out for your safety,  in addition to official New York City   visit for up-to-date infor-
        forget that this is a beach town, with   but everyone needs to do their part.  Cooling centers.       mation on air quality in your area.
        two of the best beaches in the entire   Be aware of surf conditions, especial-  It’s not too early to plan for an   As we saw during Superstorm
        country just a subway ride away!  ly riptide warnings, which can sweep   extreme heat event. Just like you   Sandy, a hurricane heading towards
            We  want  to  make  sure  summer   even experienced swimmers out to   locate the emergency exit on an air-  New York City is one of the biggest
        in the city is fun and safe, no matter   sea with little warning.   plane ahead of time, it’s a good idea   threats we face, and the upcoming
        what the weather conditions. That’s   While a perfect day at the beach   to locate a nearby cooling option   Atlantic hurricane season is expect-
        why we are hitting the ground run-  is one of the best things about sum-  before you need it. Make sure your   ed to be worse than usual because of
        ning this season, with good news   mer, extreme heat can be dangerous   family, friends, and neighbors have   near-record warm ocean tempera-
        about  lifeguard  staffing  and  expand-  and even deadly.          cooling plans, too — especially those   tures, among other factors.
        ed plans to protect New Yorkers from   Summers are different than they   who are vulnerable to extreme heat,   New Yorkers can find out if they
        extreme heat and other emergencies.  used to be. With climate change lead-  including older folks, families with   live in one of the six hurricane evac-
            Let’s start with lifeguards. As   ing to more frequent and intense   young children, and people who need   uation zones by visiting
        many New Yorkers are aware, there is   heat, a heat wave can be more than   to bring their pets with them. While   knowyourzone or by calling 3-1-1.
        a national lifeguard shortage. It’s not   just uncomfortable — it can be dan-  service animals are welcome at all   Make a plan to evacuate by knowing
        just an issue in the greatest city in the   gerous or even life threatening. That   centers, there are also designated   where you will go and how you will
        world. But lifeguard shortages mean   is why New York City is getting ready   pet-friendly cooling centers in every   get there.
        fewer places to swim. That’s why the   in advance — and we want all New   borough, so plan ahead to make sure   Flash flooding is also a concern
        city has been working to change some   Yorkers to be ready, too.    everyone is safe.                 for our city. If you live in a below grade,
        of the rules in the contract with the   Having a working air condi-     In addition to opening cooling   low-lying or low drainage area, make
        union representing city lifeguards to   tioner or a fan in your home is one   centers citywide, we are also expand-  sure you have a plan for extreme flash
        allow us to hire more New Yorkers to   of the most effective ways to guard   ing our city’s natural cooling system   flooding.  As  with  every  other  emer-
        keep more of our beaches open longer.  against heat emergencies. If you  — our tree canopy. Our Parks De-  gency, make sure you are prepared
            Last week, we announced com-  need  help  purchasing  an  air  con-  partment  has  planted  over  15,000   in advance. There are great resourc-
        monsense changes that will modern-  ditioner or fan, you may be able   new trees in 2024, and we are on pace   es online at
        ize our  lifeguard requirements and   to get help from the Home Ener-  to plant more than 18,000 trees this   This administration has made
        align them  with state regulations   gy Assistance Program. Dial 311 or   year — the highest total in eight years.  public safety the center of everything
        and  industry  standards.  It  will  allow   visit for more informa-  Prolonged  heat  is  not  our  only   we do, and that includes preparing
        us  to  hire  more  fully  qualified  life-  tion and to learn about eligibility.  concern. Our city must be prepared   for weather emergencies and protect-
        guards, keep our beaches and pools    Our  city  has  also  expanded  the   for other extreme weather events like   ing people at our pools and beaches.
        open, and improve overall safety for   number of cooling centers available   hurricanes, flash floods, and wildfire   Let’s work together to make the sum-
        our swimmers, especially our children   this year, and our new “Cool Options”  smoke. Last year, we saw how quickly   mer of 2024 our safest summer ever.
        and young people.                 map will now be available 24/7 online,  dangerous wildfire smoke could blan-  Eric Adams is the Mayor of
            Remember: Swimming and bath-  starting this week. This map will show   ket  our  city,  even  from  fires  thou-  New York City, NY

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