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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 28

                 NY Senator Liu & Assemblyman Rozic

          commemorates 50th anniversary of the first

                            BAPS Temple in North America

           State Legislature passes resolutions commemorating the landmark 50th anniversary of
                                       the Flushing BAPS Shri Swaminarayan mandir

        OUR BUREAU                        America was built by the Pramukh   community service. Its contributions   these New York State Senate and
                                          Swami Maharaj on Flushing’s histor-  to the lives of its members and the   Assembly resolutions. BAPS Swam-
        Albany, NY
                                          ic Bowne Street in 1974. Since then,   community have been profound and   inarayan mandirs teach the arts, lan-
             tate Senator John Liu and    six traditional stone Hindu mandirs   far-reaching. I am grateful to cele-  guage, music and philosophy that are
             Assembly  Member  Nily  Ro-  and 108 hari mandirs have been built   brate their dedication to promoting   the roots of Hindu heritage. BAPS
        Szic passed Resolutions J2225,    in the United States and Canada.  unity, service, and spirituality with   mandirs host various charitable ef-
        K2400, commemorating the land-        State Senator John Liu stated,   my fellow leaders in government.”  forts for local communities through-
        mark 50th anniversary of the Flush-  “This year marks the 50th anniversa-  Dr. Vipul Patel, BAPS Outreach   out the year such as walkathons,
        ing BAPS Shri Swaminarayan        ry of the BAPS mandir in Flushing, a   and Public Affairs, stated, “BAPS   health fairs, blood drives, and more.”
        mandir  (temple)  -  the  first  BAPS   historic milestone for the mandir and   Shri Swaminarayan Mandir is an in-  The  invocation  on  the  floor  of
        temple in North America yester-   our community. The BAPS mandir    tegral part of the social and cultural   the Senate and Assembly chambers
        day. In honor of the occasion, BAPS   has been a cornerstone of the Hin-  fabric of Flushing and we are proud   was performed by Pujari  (Priest)
        members from around New York      du community, serving the spiritual,   to celebrate our 50th anniversary.   Shyam Patel. Also Attending session
        traveled to the State Capitol to re-  social  and  community  needs  of  so   BAPS is a well-established commu-  were Dr. Vipul Patel, Outreach and
        ceive the resolution and to perform   many, and we are proud to commem-  nity institution and serves as a spir-  Public Affairs Admin and Shyam Pa-
        the invocation in the Senate and As-  orate their tremendous commit-  itual and cultural hub for thousands   tel, Pujari (Priest) and Mandir Co-
        sembly chambers.                  ments to serving the needs of others.”  of Queens residents, all while re-  ordinator from the BAPS Flushing
            Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushot-     State Assembly Member Nily    maining consistent with its founding   Temple,  Approva  Khatri  from  the
        tam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS)   Rozic stated, “It’s an honor to rec-  mission of outreach and service.”  BAPS Melville Temple, Praduman
        is a worldwide Hindu denomination   ognize the BAPS Mandir on their     Shyam Patel, BAPS Pujari and   Kansara, Outreach Admin, Har-
        dedicated to fostering faith, inspiring   50th anniversary. For 50 years, the   Mandir  Coordinator,  stated,  “We   di Patel, Outreach Admin, BAPS,
        service and promoting better living.   Mandir has been a central center   are excited to celebrate our 50th   Vidhi Patel, and Anuj Patel from
        The  first  BAPS  mandir  in  North   for worship, cultural heritage, and   anniversary and honored to accept   BAPS Albany Temple.

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