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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 32


            Doctors are among 2024 Leon

           Levy Scholars in Neuroscience

              wo Indian Americans are
              among the  2024 cohort  of
        TLeon Levy Scholars in Neuro-
        science, announced by the The New
        York Academy of Sciences and the
        Leon Levy Foundation. It was initiat-
        ed by the Foundation in 2009 that has
        supported 170 fellows in neurosci-
        ence. Deepak Kaji and Adithya Raja-
        gopalan were among the nine schol-
        ars who were competitively selected                                 journey that should have typically taken 4 to 5 hours.”
        for a three-year term from a broad                                      This achievement is by no means a solo endeavor. it could not have been
        pool of applications from more than
        a dozen institutions across New York City that offer postdoctoral positions in   possible without the support from my family and friends, who were cheering
                                                                            me on every step of the way. Knowing that hundreds of people love me and
        neuroscience.                                                       wanted me to succeed fed my motivation to put one foot ahead of the other
            Deepak Kaji, MD, PhD, is recognized for using 3D organoids and as-
        sembloids to model abnormal protein accumulations and aggregations in the   to finally reach the roof of the world at 8848.86 m. I thank each and everyone
                                                                            of them, added Ismail.
        brain, a characteristic of Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr. Deepak Kaji completed his
                                                                                Ismail believes that the journey to Everest and back has been the most
        BA in Economics and Biological Sciences at Cornell University. During his   physically daunting and mentally challenging expedition of his life. He said,
        undergraduate years, he completed an honors thesis utilizing bioengineering   “But it was worth it. I am glad that I followed my dream, and I am now an
        techniques to study cardiac development. He completed his MD/PhD at the
        Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.                            Everester!”             PRANAV DESAI
           Adithya Rajagopalan is recognized for examining how neurons within the
        brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, combine input from other brain regions to en-  VOSAP launches drive for
        code complex properties of the world that guide decision-making. Currently a
        postdoctoral associate in Dr. Christine Constantinople’s lab at NYU’s Center
        for Neural Science, Rajagopalan received a PhD in Neuroscience at the Johns   healthcare access to individuals
        Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Howard Hughes Medical In-
        stitute’s Janelia Research Campus, in the lab of Dr. Glenn C. Turner.                with disabilities
            This highly regarded postdoctoral program supports exceptional young
        researchers across the five boroughs of New York City as they pursue innova-  US-based  non-profit  Voice  of  Specially  Abled  People  (VOSAP)  an-
        tive neuroscience research and advance their careers toward becoming inde-  nounced an initiative called Project Hitarth to enhance healthcare ac-
        pendent principal investigators.                                    A cess for individuals with intellectual disabilities. The initiative aims to
            Shelby White, founding trustee of the Leon Levy Foundation, said, “For
        two decades, the Foundation has supported over 170 of the best young neu-  benefit 10,000 people in India in the first year.
                                                                                Under the project, US-based Voice of Specially Abled People (VOSAP)
        roscience researchers in their risk-taking research and clinical work. We are   has entered into a collaboration with Parivaar NCPO (National Confedera-
        proud to partner with The New York Academy of Sciences to continue to en-  tion of Parents Organizations) to provide financial support to social workers to
        courage these gifted young scientists, helping them not only to advance their   assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in accessing much-needed thera-
        careers but also to advance the cause of breakthrough research in the field of   pies, dental work, outpatient department services and get reimbursement up
                                JAFAR ISMAIL                                to Rs 1 lakh per year from the government of India’s Niramaya scheme.
                                                                               “We are very excited for the opportunities with this new model to expand
                                                                            VOSAP impact that leverages the government of India’s existing programmes
        59-year-old climbs Mount Everest  and strengths of our trusted, reputed partners like Parivaar,” said VOSAP’s
                                                                            California-based founder Pranav Desai.
        J   afar Ismail climbed Mount Everest after years of training and conquering   25,000 persons with disabilities since 2017 by providing assistive devices, sur-
                                                                                VOSAP is a leading disability sector NGO, having enabled more than
            other summits.
               “It has been a childhood dream for me to stand on the summit of
                                                                                A joint research conducted by VOSAP and Parivaar NCPO revealed sig-
        Mount Everest. At times, I had thought that the dream would remain a dream.   gical interventions and scholarships.
        But I am happy to report that I fulfilled my dream. On May 19, 2024, 7:24   nificant underutilisation of the scheme due to challenges in online enrolment,
        AM Nepal time I finally stood on the summit of my Mount Everest. Happy   understanding  benefits  and  navigating  the  complicated  claim  process,  the
        and exhilarated, but exhausted after 11 1/2 hour climb, My supporting Sherpa,   statement said.
        Dorjee took this picture of me on the summit,” posted Ismail on Linkedin.   This indicates a very poor enrolment as the number of individuals with
            Ismail was senior project manager with Pegasystems. He has a master’s   intellectual disabilities in India are more than one crore and significantly low
        degree in computer science from Iona University in New York and a bache-  reimbursements amounts ie very little impact of the Niramaya program.
        lor’s degree in marine engineering from Marine Engineering College in Kol-  “The pilot program aims to benefit 10,000 individuals with intellectual
        kata (DMET).                                                        disabilities within its first year, with the goal of scaling to 1,00,000 beneficia-
            He further wrote, “Return from the summit, was the bigger ordeal as my   ries. By improving access to health care and reducing the financial burden
        vision had become blurry due to snow blindness, and mild frostbite. Navigat-  of medical expenses, (Project) Hitarth strives to enhance the quality of life
        ing the descent from the Hillary step, and then the South Summit was the   for individuals with intellectual disabilities through essential therapies such as
        scariest part of my day. It took me about nine hours to return to camp 4, A                                  Continued on next page... >>

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