Page 36 - The Indian EYE 061424
P. 36

BUSINESS EYE                                                             JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 36

           Industry bodies expect big reforms and

         good growth under Modi 3.0 government

             On Monday, Dalal Street began trading with record highs, primarily driven

                                        by banking stocks and Reliance Industries

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            volves lowering manufacturing costs,
                                                                                                              continuing ease of doing business
                                                                                                              reforms, and positioning India as a
              he stock indices closed with a                                                                  high-quality destination for products.
              marginal dip after both indi-                                                                   Research and development will be
        Tces touched an all-time high                                                                         crucial in achieving this,” he stated.
        during Monday’s session. The Sensex                                                                       Shah  emphasized  the  impor-
        touched a record high of 77,079 and                                                                   tance of transforming India into a
        the Nifty 50 reached 23,411 points.                                                                   premier manufacturing destination
        The Nifty 50 concluded with a decline                                                                 by reducing costs and enhancing the
        of 0.13 percent at 23,259 and the Sen-                                                                ease of doing business.
        sex declined 0.27 per cent at 76,490.                                                                     He stressed that continuous re-
            On Monday, Dalal Street began                                                                     form is necessary to attract global
        trading with record highs, primarily                                                                  manufacturers.
        driven  by  banking  stocks  and  Reli-                                                                  “The second area is women-led
        ance Industries. The Sensex touched                                                                   development. We need more wom-
        a record high of 77,079.                                                                              en in manufacturing and the labour
            Indian stock markets saluted PM                                                                   workforce, with a strong focus on
        Modi’s third term as both indices Nif-                                                                equality,” Shah continued.
        ty and Sensex touched all-time highs                                                                      Shah said, “Thirdly, we need to
        and registered record gains during                                                                    enhance farmland prosperity by im-
        the opening session. The BSE Sen-                                                                     proving farm productivity and cre-
        sex crossed the 77,000 mark for the                                                                   ating  efficient  value  chains.  Lastly,
        first  time  following  the  rally  as  PM                                                            we must develop sustainable urban
        Modi took charge in office. Accord-                                                                   communities, playing a key role in
        ing to the market experts, a smooth                                                                   a green economy and aiding climate
        transition in the government forma-                                                                   transition.”
        tion seemed to have boosted market                                                                       “As India looks towards becoming
        sentiments.                                                                                           the third largest economy, a stable
            As Narendra Modi took charge              Nirmala Sitharaman will continue as Union Finance Minister    government at the Centre will fur-
        as Prime Minister for the third con-                                                                  ther strengthen the economic land-
        secutive term today, the Indian busi-               in the PM Modi-led NDA government (ANI)           scape and help us achieve this feat
        ness community’s expectations are                                                                     within the next few years,” Shah said.
        coming into sharp focus.          ident of the Confederation of Indian   sive reforms and a strong foundation   Industry body Assocham said
            Industry leaders have extended   Industry (CII).                to achieve the goal of Viksit Bharat   that  they  are  confident  that  under
        their congratulations to Prime Minis-  Industry leaders are eager to col-  by 2047 will be laid down.  PM Modi leadership, “India would
        ter Narendra Modi who assumed of-  laborate with the new government to   “The third consecutive term for   go from strength to strength gaining
        fice for a third consecutive time and   unlock India’s demographic dividend   the NDA paves way for continuity in   further stature in the global ranking,
        expressed confidence in the govern-  through improvements in education,  the reform agenda. We look forward   powered by inclusive and sustainable
        ment’s ability to continue economic   healthcare, and skill development.  to progressive policies and measures   economic growth for the next several
        reforms and sustain the country’s    “CII is certain that under his vi-  that will foster economic and social   years”.
        growth momentum. The experts em-  sionary leadership we shall see the   development and build a strong    Deepak Sood, Secretary Gen-
        phasized that the Indian economy is   unfolding of a golden chapter in In-  foundation for ‘Viksit Bharat’,” said   eral of Associated Chambers of
        on the path to becoming the world’s   dia’s development journey. As India   Anish Shah, President of the industry   Commerce and Industry of India
        third-largest.                    continues to think and act ‘big’ under   body Federation of Indian Chambers   (ASSOCHAM), conveyed in his
           “Building upon a strong growth   Modi  Ji,  continuity  in  the  reform   of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).  congratulatory message, “With your
        rate of 8.2 per cent for 2023-24, the   agenda will carry India forward on   Shah outlined a vision for the   taking oath as the Prime Minister for
        new Government under his vision-  the path to becoming a developed   country,  urging  the  government  to   the third term India Inc. is feeling
        ary leadership can usher in the next   nation,” said Chandrajit Banerjee,  capitalize on its strengths and ad-  confident that with under leadership
        phase of reforms to make the most of   Director General, CII.       dress critical areas to elevate India’s   the country will be steered to greater
        the global opportunities and build on   They are optimistic that the third   global standing.         heights, maintaining the fastest pace
        the robust fundamentals of the Indi-  term of the Modi government will   “The first area is creating the best   of growth amongst the major econo-
        an economy,” said Sanjiv Puri, Pres-  ensure the continuation of progres-  manufacturing hub in India. This in-  mies of the world.”

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