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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JUNE 14, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 34

                                                                            expanding access to higher education.
                                                                               “When a child moves to a neigh-
                                                                            borhood with better schools or gets a
                                                                            chance to attend a high-quality col-
                                                                            lege, we see their lives transformed
                                                                            relative to other comparable kids
                                                                            who didn’t get the same chances,”
                                                                            Chetty said. “Opportunity matters.
                                                                            And education is one of the keys that
                                                                            opens the doors of opportunity.”
                                                                                He continued, “I am especially
                                                                            honored to receive this degree from
                                                                            an institution that is setting an ex-
                                                                            ample for society to follow. My chal-
                                                                            lenge to all of you is to build on this
                                                                            example and make the world a better,
                                                                            fairer place by using your education
        physiotherapy and speech therapy, etc.                              to inspire and spread opportunity to
            Desai started the VOSAP movement in 2014 from America with advo-  those around you. Your success will be all of our success…. And I wish you
        cacy efforts at policy level with Govt of India to bring in structural changes   the very best of luck.”
        such as new law – Rights of PwD Act 2016, Comprehensive Disability Policy,   Chetty is the William A Ackman Professor of Public Economics at Har-
        Accessible India Campaign etc. To accelerate adoption and implementation   vard University. He is also the director of Opportunity Insights, which uses
        of these structural changes, he started grassroots movement of compassionate   “big data” to understand how we can give children from disadvantaged back-
        volunteers, enabled by VOSAP digital tools.                         grounds better chances of succeeding. His work on topics ranging from tax
                                                                            policy and unemployment insurance to education and affordable housing has
                                 RAJ CHETTY                                 been widely cited in academia, media outlets, and congressional testimony.

              Economist named honorary                                      Chetty received his PhD from Harvard University in 2003 and is one of the
                                                                            youngest tenured professors in Harvard’s history. He has received numerous
                                                                            awards for his research, including a MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship and
            doctor by Wesleyan University                                   the John Bates Clark medal, given to the economist under 40 whose work is
                                                                            judged to have made the most significant contribution to the field.

              enowned economist Raj Chetty was named an Honorary Doctor of
              Humane Letters at Wesleyan’s 192nd Commencement ceremony. In    To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
        Rhis speech to the Class of 2024, he cited his research into opportunity              our website
        disparity’s effect on social mobility, praising Wesleyan for being a leader in

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