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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 27, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 28

                 AAPI Convention Teaser Offers Glimpses

         of 40th Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX

                      Focus On “Heal The Healers: Rejuvenate And Rekindle Your Mind And Your Spirits”

        OUR BUREAU
        San Antonio, TX
           t  is  with  great  pleasure  that  we
           want to welcome you to the 40th
        IAnnual Convention and Scien-
        tific  Sessions  of  American  Associ-
        ation of Physicians of  Indian origin
        (AAPI), which will be held from
        June 23-26, 2022 in the historic city of
        San Antonio, Texas,” Dr. Anupama
        Gotimukula, President of AAPI said
        during the much anticipated Con-
        vention Teaser organized virtually on
        Sunday, May 15th. “We are  planning
        a historic convention in San Antonio
        to celebrate 40 years of AAPI that co-
        incides with 75 years of India’s Inde-
        pendence, with excellent educational
        sessions and other programs.”                                       co-sponsored by the Embassy of In-  tion and comfort are our top priorities.
            Dr. Gotimukula, the 4th woman                                   dia & the Consulate General of India   Giving an overview of the pro-
        President of AAPI in the history of                                 (CGI) – Houston.                  grams for each day, Venky Adivi
        AAPI, who has been leading AAPI                                         Each day of the convention will   said, ““It takes a whole village to put
        to newer heights with her dynamic                                   have a specific theme. On Thursday,   together a fabulous convention, I
        leadership, while thanking the Orga-                                the theme chosen is “Unity in Diver-  am grateful to committee members,
        nizing Committee led by Dr. Jayesh                                  sity” and the delegates will showcase   Chairs and Advisors. Special thanks
        Shah, praised the dedication and                                    one’s own state dress code. Heritage   to Ms.Vijaya Kodali for her expertise
        generosity of each member for giving                                India is the theme for Friday hon-  and skills.”
        their best, to make this Convention                                 oring and celebrating India’s rich    The confirmed Plenary Speakers
        truly a memorable one for every par-                                culture and diversity. On Saturday,   are Dr. Jack Reseneck, AMA Pres-
        ticipant.                                                           the focus is on the much loved Bol-  ident, and Dr.Peter Hotez, Nobel
            “Bienvenidos a San Antonio,                                     lywood with a special performance   Prize  Nominee.  Other  confirmed
        Tejas!” Dr. Jayesh Shah, Convention                                 by popular Bollywood singer Shaan,   guests are legendary Sunil Gavas-
        Chair and past President of AAPI                                    followed by Mehfil. The food served   kar and Dr. Rahul Gupta, Direc-
        said in Texan style. “It is with great                              each will match the theme chosen for   tor, National Drug Control Policy,
        pleasure that I, along  with  the  San   and soul. The Convention is going to   each day, he added.   World-renowned spiritual  leader
        Antonio -2022 Convention Team,    be a unique experience for everyone,   Some of the major events at the   Sadhvi Saraswati and Dr. Prem Red-
        welcome you to the 40th AAPI An-  he added.                         convention include: Workshops and   dy, CEO of Prime Health Services.
        nual Convention in San Antonio, the   Dr. Jayesh Shah introduced the   hands-on sessions on well-being, 10-  For  the  first  time  ever,  AAPI
        8th largest city in the US. I still have   strong  and  dedicated  team  of  Con-  12 hours of CMEs, Women’s Forum,   is planning to organize an In-Per-
        vivid memories of inviting you to San   vention Committee members, in-  CEOs Forum, “AAPI Got Talent”,   son Plenary Session on India-USA
        Antonio in 2014. This is going to be   cluding Mr. Venky Adivi, Chief Exec-  Mehfil,  Bollywood  Nite,  Fashion   Healthcare Partnership with the
        the 4th convention in Texas.”     utive Officer of the Convention; Dr.   Show, Medical Jeopardy, Abstract   Health Minister Of India, Mansukh
            The Convention Teaser provided   Aruna Venkatesh, Convention Trea-  Posters/Research  Contest,  Alumni   Mandaviya (invited but awaiting con-
        a glimpse of the 40th annual Conven-  surer; Dr. Vijay Koli, Past President   and Young Physicians events and Ex-  firmation from his office) during the
        tion  with its theme, “Heal the Heal-  of AAPI & Convention Advisor; Dr.   hibition and Sale of Jewelry, Cloth-  Convention on Saturday, June 25th.
        ers -- Rejuvenate And Rekindle Your   Rajam Ramamurthy, Convention   ing, Medical Equipment, Pharma,       “Little Master” Sunil Gavaskar
        Mind And Your Spirits.” “Our physi-  Advisor;  Chief  Operating  Officers,   Finance and many more.   praised AAPI members for being
        cian members have worked very hard   R.  Reddy  Yeluru and Ram  Joolu-  The  convention  will  be  held  at   part of the  “greatest profession in
        during the Covid 19 pandemic as the   kuntla; Dr. Rajeev Suri, President   the newly renovated Henry B. Gon-  the world.” He said,  “It’s a  unique
        2022 convention is a perfect time to   of TIPSSW  & Co-Chair of the Con-  zales Convention Center in San An-  honor to be part of the important
        heal the healers with a special focus   vention, and the other Co-Chairs of   tonio, TX located on the colorful and   AAPI convention in Texas. I am
        on wellness,” said Dr. Jayesh Shah.  the Convention, including Dr. Shan-  vibrant River Walk. This world-class   looking forward to meeting you all in
            Put together by a highly talented   kar Sanka, Dr. Hetal Nayak, and Dr.   facility will afford an intimate setting   Texas.” Mr. Gavaskar referred to his
        and dedicated Team of Convention   Kiran Cheruku.                   that will facilitate one’s ability to con-  association with the “Heart to Heart
        Committee members, the 4 days long    Honoring India, as she cele-  vey cutting-edge research and CME,   Foundation” and how the Founda-
        event will be filled with programs and   brates 75 years of India’s Indepen-  promote business relationships, and   tion is touching many hearts around
        activities that cater to the body, mind   dence is part of the convention, being   display ethnic items. Vendor satisfac-  the world.

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