Page 24 - The Indian EYE 052722
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 24
FIA, Chicago, celebrates Mother’s Day and event to
kick-off Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Chicago, IL
he Federation of Indian Asso-
ciations Chicago (FIA), cele-
Tbrated Mother’s Day and Kick
off fundraising for grand Gala signa-
ture event Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
on Friday – May 13, 2022 at Ashton
Banquets, 341 75th St, Willowbrook,
India’s 75th Independence Day
(Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav) on the
7th of August 2022 at the Renaissance
Schaumburg Convention and FIA In-
dia flag hoisting & cultural program
at Camera park , Glendale Heights
on August 13th, 2022.
The Emcees for the event Neil
Khot and Anu Malhotra to the stage
thanking the attendees for gracing
the event celebrating mothers and ex-
tolling the true virtues of a mother in
ones life. The Emcees invited Found-
er President and Chairman Sunil
Shah and Mrs. Rita Shah to the dais.
Mrs. Shah inaugurated the evening
with a rendition of a traditional bha-
jan. Followed by a song paying tribute
to all mothers. Sunil Shah Chairman it involved sending oxygen concen-
FIA welcomed all the dignitaries trators to India to be distributed to
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, patients that required them in India
State Senator Laura Murphy, Mayor or providing financial and other sup-
Tom Dailly , Cook County Commis- port to families stuck in the USA due
sioner Kevin Morrison, and Oak- to the lockdown or helping families
brook Trustee Suresh Reddy , Trustee financially to support them through
Syed Hussaini of Hanover Park and and after the pandemic. FIA supports
the who’s who of the Indian Asian families by making donations to food
community Dr. Bharat Barai, Deep- pantry’s, toys to tots during the holi-
ak Kant Vyas, Dr. Anil Oraskar, Mr. days, turkey give aways and in ad-
Dinesh Thakkar, Mr. Manish Gandhi, dition to celebrating various Indian
Mr. Suresh Bodiwala, and others for Asian festivals and holidays. During
gracing the even. the event the FIA had an audio-visu-
Sunil Shah then called on stage al presentation running on a screen
Current President of The FIA highlighting its work for and with the
Hitesh Gandhi while welcoming and Indian Asian community, which was Mrs. Usha Bodiwala, Mrs. Harsha er’s Day and another cake cutting cer-
thanking the attendees outlined the highly appreciated by the attendees. Shukla, Mrs. Komal Amin and Mrs. emony celebrating Birthdays of Anu
achievements of the FIA during the He then invited Founder and Past Sonal Patel with a plaque. The awards Malhotra , Anuja Gupta & Rita Shah.
year and provided information on President Onkar Sanga to the stage. were presented to the beneficiaries by Madhura Sane a Kathak expo-
FIA’s Independence Day Gala cel- Onkar Sanga thanked everyone for the dignitaries present on the occasion nent and Director at Nritya Natya
ebrating India’s 75th Independence gracing the event. and by Past President FIA Rita Singh, Academy, Chicago performed a mes-
Day (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav) on The FIA celebrated mothers at Members of the Advisory Board merizing Kathak fusion dance. Mrs.
the 7th of August 2022 at the Renais- the event by honoring Mrs. Santosh Keerthi Revoori , Ajeet Singh & San- Gurbachan Kaur recited a heartfelt
sance Schaumburg Convention Cen- Kumar, Mrs. Shruti Vyas, Dr. Panna hita Agnihotri and Dr Anil Oroskar poem extolling mothers and their
ter. The FIA has been very active in Barai ,Dr Asha Oroskar, Mrs. Vijay Vinita Gulabani presented the importance in an individual’s life,
community social and cultural events Sharma, Mrs. Sweety Loomba , Mrs. vote of thanks. She presented each of Ananya Sood enthralled the attend-
through the year not only in 2022 but Anita Beri, Mrs. Pinky Thakkar, Mrs. the plaque honorees with elegant col- ees with a dance performance. Rinki
has provided services during and af- Aparna Khot, Mrs. Anu Khot, Mrs. orful scarfs. The event was brought to Talati regaled the audience with her
ter the pandemic to families not only Kamini Bhatt, Dr Anuja Gupta, Mrs. its finale with a cake cutting ceremony soulful singing.
in Illinois but also in India. Whether Sonia Gandhi, Mrs. Sushma Bhanot, by Dr. Panna Barai celebrating Moth- --Asian Media USA