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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 27, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 26

                          AIA hosts conference

           on Awareness and Empathy

         The idea for this conference was conceived by Mr. Gobind P. Munjal, President of National AIA,

                   Asmita Bhatia, Trustee of AIA and Professor Shivaji Sengupta of Boricua College

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            is our ability to monitor our feelings,
                                                                                                              be  aware of  them  before  we react.
        New York
                                                                                                              Empathy is functional; sympathy, in-
               n May 16th, “The Associa-                                                                      ert.
               tion of Indians in America”                                                                        Thus, Professor Sengupta estab-
        O(AIA) National Executive                                                                             lished a continuum between Con-
        Committee  organized a conference                                                                     tact, Awareness and Empathy. He
        on “What is Awareness and Empathy                                                                     said there are other elements that we
        and How Can We Increase Them In                                                                       need to know to enhance awareness
        Us?” The idea for this conference was                                                                 and empathy such as field and energy
        conceived by Mr. Gobind P. Munjal,                                                                    that the Bhagwat Gita calls kshetra.
        President of National AIA, Asmita                                                                     There is also the notion of control
        Bhatia, Trustee of AIA and Professor                                                                  and difference. All of this help some-
        Shivaji Sengupta of Boricua College.                                                                  one to work with differences among
        He has recently retired from there                                                                    people, to bring about mutual under-
        as Professor of English and its Aca-                                                                  standing and empathy and resolve
        demic VP. Boricua is a small, private,                                                                conflicts.  However,  given  the  com-
        not for profit liberal arts institution in                                                            plex subject, he said he would explain
        New York City. As vice president, he                                                                  these terms at a subsequent session.
        worked with the full-time faculty to                                                                      The presentation lasted about
        develop awareness and empathy so                                                                      20 minutes. It was followed by live-
        that they may be better facilitators of                                                               ly discussions by most of the par-
        learning. He was thus invited to lead                                                                 ticipants.  Some  of  the  questions
        the discussion.                                                                                       were about Covid. Since Covid has
            The meeting opened at 8:30 PM.                                                                    affected so many millions of people
        There were over 42 attendees, all                                                                     in the world, for well over two years,
        participating via Zoom. Ms. Gunjan                                                                    and counting, could it have affected
        Rastogi, the National AIA Secretary,                                                                  people’s awareness, since awareness
        introduced National AIA President                                                                     depends on contact? It was an excel-
        Gobind Munjal.                                                                                        lent question.
                                                                                                                  Sengupta responded that theo-
        Mr. Munjal said in his introduc-                                                                      retically, yes. But there needs to be
                                                                                                              thorough research to prove his hy-
        tion to Dr. Sengupta that we are                                                                      pothesis. Other questions were about
        living in a sharply divided world.                                                                    explanations  of  terms.  Participants
                                          cuss awareness and empathy, how de-  and self-awareness, is empathy.  asked for clarifications and examples.
        There is the war in Ukraine  veloping them may help others.             But awareness and empathy can-    It was decided at the end of the
                                                                            not happen without contact. Sengup-
                                              Shivaji Sengupta began the dis-
        which shows no signs of abat-     cussion by explaining what he means  ta explained contact as not only be-  meeting to hold another session
                                                                                                              roughly in about a month. The audi-
        ing. Internally, sharp differenc-  by awareness and empathy. Aware-  ing in touch with someone but being  ence were enthusiastic and receptive
        es between the political parties   ness is being conscious, not only of  aware of the nature of the contact  to the idea. The three moderators,
                                          the environment around us, the at-  itself. Are we happy, sad, troubled,  Ms.  Gunjan  Rastogi, Mr.  Santosh
        and social groups were tearing  mosphere, the people, nature, but  anxious about being in contact with  Pandey and Ms. Nilima Madan han-
        the country apart with unrest     also conscious of how we are feeling  a particular person? Contact, he said,  dled the conference with awareness
                                                                            is  not  instantaneous  and  sudden.  It  and sensitivity. Secretary Gunjan Ras-
                                          as we are aware of them. It is the lat-
        and violence. These are all hap-  ter – how we are feeling – that is hard  is a process. Awareness is its conse-  togi thanked all the former National
        pening because of lack of com-    for us to be aware of, Sengupta said.  quence. We need to nurture contact  AIA Presidents, Chapter Presidents,
                                          Empathy is the ability to gauge the  if we are to develop empathy.  National Executive Committee and
        munication between people.  feeling of a person one is in the com-      Empathy, unlike sympathy, is ac-  Chapters members, community lead-
                                          pany of. This ability to “be in some-  tive. When in empathy, we reach out  ers and invited guests for attending
            In this  milieu, Gobind Munjal  one else’s shoes,” as they say, the  to help. Sympathy is more intellectu-  and participating in this conference
        said, it would be a good idea to dis-  ability to communicate with feeling  al, aloof; empathy is affective. Affect  and making it a huge success.

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