Page 29 - The Indian EYE 052722
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 29
Chicago Premier League Opens season with a
spectacular Ceremony Concludes Draft for 2022 Season
Chicago, IL
t Holiday Inn, Skokie, 12th
May 2022- Opening Ceremo-
Any, Chicago Premier League
announced the Five Teams that will be
participating in an IPL format Fran-
chise Cricket Tournament. Guest of
Honor, Toni Preckwinkle (President
of the Cook County Board of Com-
missioners), and other Chicagoland
Dignitaries, Jesal Patel (Mayor, Vil-
lage of Lincolnwood), Mary Oshana 2022, Chicago Premier League is an
(Commissioner, Skokie Park District) extension of United Cricket League
Pramod Shah (Clerk, Village of Skok- that Adil Azeem Khan has been us-
ie) was also present for the ceremony. ing as a tool to bring communities
“Franchise Cricket will take together through cricket. CPL will
cricket to the next level in Chicago,” provide and elite level of cricket for
said Adil Azeem Khan, President of the talent and skill that is available in
Chicago Premier League. Chicagoland. Participating teams and
“I believe in team sports.,” Cus- owners for the first season of CPL
tomer Name, President of Cook Chicago Rowdies (Arif Patel), Chica-
County Board of Commissioners said, go Hurricanes (Vishal Patel), Chicago
during her brief reminisce of her athlet- Phantoms (Salman, Irfan, and Imran
ic life in school. She also thanked Adil Khan), Chicago Destroyers (Sandip
Azeem Khan who has championed Mehta), Chicago Avalanche (Dr.
the sport of cricket in Chicagoland. Akbar Khan) were all present at the
“You learn that when you con- event. Each team had to fill a roster
tribute as a team you can together of Eighteen people, eight of which
be successful,” continued Customer were selected ahead of the draft. The
Name. “These are valuable life les- remaining ten players were selected
sons that you learn.” today during the draft. Urvish Desai,
Chicago Premier League is com- Muhammad Daniyal Rashid, Randy
mitted at its core to cricket and will Brown, Hassan Baqir, Liakatali Patel
provide the best cricketing experience were first round picks for the night.
in Chicago, he added. Founded in --Asian Media USA