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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL                                                        MAY 27, 2022  |    The Indian Eye 30

                                        GLORY & GLAMOR:

                Bollywood films and stars shows their

                                     strength at Cannes 2022

                Virtual Reality, Gaming, and extended Reality are the ever-expanding areas where young startups

                                              can pitch in with their fresh ideas, says minister

              Aditi Rao Hydari makes her   Union minister for information and broadcasting Anurag Thakur (second from right) at the India   Deepika Padukone poses for
                  debut at the festival          Forum, "India: The content hub of the world" at Cannes Film Festival 2022   a photo at Cannes

        OUR BUREAU                        their way to every individual through   partnerships and fostering business   tion and Broadcasting Ministry and
                                          OTT platforms and other inter-    opportunities by connecting world-  everybody who came here and made
        Cannes (France)
                                          net-based media, thus giving direct   class creativity with cutting-edge busi-  it possible at such short notice. We
              nion Minister of State for In-  access to individual movie watchers.   ness and technological innovation.  couldn’t have asked for a better stage
              formation and Broadcasting   “With one of the biggest pools of tech-  This is a new segment inspired by   to  showcase  this  film.  Thank  you  so
        UL Murugan on Sunday ad-          nical and software talent, India has   top-tier visionaries and decision-mak-  very much.”
        dressed the participants of the Start-  necessary skills and technology avail-  ers through a tailor-made series of   “So proud of you,” Thakur said
        up pitching session at Cannes Next,   able in the modern business of films,   inspiring conferences, keynotes, and   to Madhavan as he showcased his love
        and said that India is one of the biggest   especially in the field of technical as-  panel discussions; to grow the network   for the film by hugging the actor. He
        and most lucrative movie markets.  pects of film making,” he said.  with creatives, clients, and tech com-  further also  addressed  Nambi  and
            At the onset, Murugan commend-    Encouraging the start-ups, the   panies, among our various events.   said, “This is the least we could do.”
        ed the organisers for the excellent   Minister said that Animation, Virtual   Meanwhile, actor and filmmaker   While Cannes Film Festival
        initiative at Cannes Next, which has   Reality, Gaming, and extended Reali-  R Madhavan’s biographical drama   brings world fashion divas on stage,
        given a prominent platform to bud-  ty are the ever-expanding areas where   movie  ‘Rocketry:  The  Nambi  Ef-  jury member Deepika Padukone stays
        ding  talent  and  startups  in  the  field   young startups can pitch in with their   fect’, which is based on the life of re-  steps ahead of her peers, dazzling in
        of audio-visual production and movie   fresh ideas. Expressing happiness that   nowned scientist Nambi Narayanan,   her versatile looks to send the shutter
        making. Speaking on the importance   five  startups  from  India  were  pitch-  premiered at the 75th Cannes Film   boxes on a tizzy.
        of India as film making hub, he said,   ing in Cannes, Murugan said, “I hope   Festival on Thursday. Madhavan, who   Bollywood diva Deepika Padu-
        “With  more  than  2,000  films  being   their ideas will influence the produc-  has directed, produced and written   kone took to  her Instagram  handle
        produced in so many different lan-  ers, and financers and business enthu-  the film in addition to acting in it, was   and shared a series of pictures and vid-
        guages every year, India is the largest   siasts, and get the wider platform for   present at the screening along with In-  eo clips of her 5th day look at the festi-
        producer of films, full of talented and   their product. I am happy that they   formation and Broadcasting Minister   val. The ‘Padmaavat’ actor took to her
        creative filmmakers. With a 1.3 billion   are moving from the Local stage to   Anurag Thakur and Nambi himself.   Instagram handle and shared a series
        population, it offers one of the biggest   the Global stage. And what could be   Nambi is a former ISRO scientist and   of pictures and video clips showcasing
        and most lucrative movie markets. In-  better than this platform available at   aerospace engineer who was caught   her look at the prestigious event.
        dia is a great land of storytellers and   Cannes Film Festival, itself.”  in the throes of a spy scandal and was   The 36-year-old shared a stunning
        moviemakers and now it is emerging    Cannes Next is an executive con-  falsely accused of espionage.  video, giving a glimpse of her OOTD.
        as a content hub of the world.”   ference and innovation-driven busi-   Following  the  film’s  premiere,   Actor Aishwarya Rai and hus-
            He further added that being one   ness development platform, exploring   Madhavan expressed gratitude by   band Abhishek Bachchan along with
        of the largest producers and consum-  the future of the entertainment sector.   saying, “We would like to really thank   daughter Aaradhya were  spotted at
        ers of smartphones, movies now find   It  is  a  unique  gathering  enhancing   our Minister Thakur and the Informa-  the Mumbai airport, on Saturday,

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