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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 23
Faraz Ali’s Shoebox wins Best Film at 2022
New York Indian Film Festival
NYIFF announces Awards Recognizing Artists, Including Aditya Vikram Sengupta,
Sreelekha Mitra And Jitendra Joshi
From Right to Left: NYIFF Festival Director Aseem Chhabra, Closing Night Film Director Ajoy CGI in New York Randhir Jaiswal giving away the Best Actress and Best Director awards to Arin-
Bose, IAAC Executive Director Suman Gollamudi dam Ghosh who is accepting it on the behalf of Sreelekha Mitra and Aditya Vikram Sengupta
OUR BUREAU davari (Marathi), dir. Nikhil Maha-
jan, 113 mins., 2021
• Best Actress: Sreelekha Mitra for
n the evening of May 14, indie Once Upon a Time in Calcutta
director Faraz Ali captured (Bengali), dir. Aditya Vikram Sen-
Otop honor, winning the Best gupta, 131 mins., 2021
Film award for ShoeBox. The New • Best Screenplay: Kuldip Patel for
York Indian Film Festival (NYIFF), Powai (Hindi), dir. Kuldip Patel,
North America’s oldest and most 126 mins., 2021
prestigious festival which features cin- • Best Child Actor(s): Reyaan Shah
ema from India and the Indian Dias- & Hiranya Zinzuwadia for Gand-
pora, announced the winners at a film hi & Co. (Gujarati), dir. Manish
screening and awards ceremony at the Saini, 101 mins., 2022
Village East Cinemas in New York. • Best Documentary (Feature): Ta-
“On behalf of the entire board, angh/ Longing (English, Punjabi,
I applaud all the winners and nomi- Hindi and Urdu), dir. Bani Singh,
nees. We are proud to continue our 100 minutes, 2021
tradition of supporting and recog- • Best Short (Narrative): Succulent
nizing this stellar talent and bring- (Hindi, English), dir. Amrita Bag-
ing these acclaimed works to a new chi, 29 mins., 2021
audience. This year, our aim was to The Beatles and India Film Director Ajoy Bose Director Vijayeta Kumar who won the Best • Best Short (Documentary): Kick-
resonate a lasting dialogue about the ing Balls (Hindi), dir. Vijayeta Ku-
ongoing, world-wide impact of Indi- and Producer Reynold D’Silva on the red carpet Short Documentary award at NYIFF 2022 mar, 36 mins., 2020
an culture on the 75th Anniversary • Best Debut Film (Presented by the
of Independence,” said Dr. Nirmal “It was wonderful to bring this com- Chhabra, NYIFF Festival Director Film Critics Circle of India): Jhini
Mattoo, Indo-American Arts Council munity back together tonight with a said. Bini Chadariya/ The Brittle Thread
(IAAC) Chairman. star-studded awards ceremony and The winners of each cat- (Hindi), dir. Ritesh Sharma, 97
“Tonight’s closing event was truly to celebrate in-person after a gap of egory are as follows: mins., 2021
an unprecedented look at the global two years.” • Best Film: Shoebox (Hindi), dir. Between May 7-14, 2022, NYIFF
impact of Indian culture and cinema “Faraz Ali’s film Shoebox ex- Faraz Ali, 98 mins., 2021 hosted 60 film screenings, including
in recent years with the screening of plores themes of family and commu- • Best Director: Aditya Vikram Sen- both full-length feature and short
‘The Beatles and India: An Enduring nity that truly capture this moment in gupta for Once Upon a Time in narratives and documentaries. More
Love Affair’,” added Suman Goll- cinematic history and elevates Indian Calcutta (Bengali), 131 mins., 2021 information and a full list of all films
amudi, IAAC Executive Director. film and art within the U.S.” Aseem • Best Actor: Jitendra Joshi for Go- are available at: