Page 20 - The Indian EYE 052722
P. 20
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 27, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
FIA celebrates 75 years of
Indian Independence in Washington, DC
Influential and Prominent Lawmakers grace the occasion with their presence
Washington, DC
he Federation of Indian As-
sociations (FIA) commemo-
Trated the 75 years of Indian
Independence and honored the Asia
Heritage Month on May 12, 2022
at Rayburn Building, Capitol Hill
Complex Washington D.C.
FIA was recognized for the
event in Congressional Record
Vol.168, No. 81.
The event saw unprecedented
participation from the states of New
York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and
the states from the region of New
Influential and Prominent Law-
makers graced the occasion with
their presence. Among the attend-
ees were Congressmen Raja Krish-
namoorthy, Frank Pallone, Tom
Malinowski, Vicente González, Ha-
keem Jefferies, Adriano Espaillat,
Matthew Cartwright, David Cicil-
line, Jim McGovern, and Congress-
women Mikie Sherrill, Sheila Jack-
son Lee, Abigail Spanberger, Susie
Lee, Grace Meng, Deborah K. Ross.
From FIA in attendance were
the President Kenny Desai, Chair-
man Ankur Vaidya, President New
England Abhishek Singh, Past
President & Board of Trustee Sru-
jal Parikh, Ex-Vice President and
Event Chair Himanshu Bhatia, Vice
President Saurin Parikh, Vice Pres-
idents NE Shova Sharma & Sanjay
Gokhale, Secretary Praveen Bansal,
Jt Secretary Smita Patel, Treasurer
Amit Ringasiya, Jt. Secretary Ma-
hesh Dubal and Past President and
Chairman of Bihar Foundation Alok
Also in attendance were FIS-
ANA president Deepak Shah, BA-
JANA president Anurag Kumar, ness Book of World Records for stand for elections and other various US Capitol. ‘Today we pay tribute to
Parsippany Senior Association Pres- Largest Number of flags flown and elected bodies. He said that FIA did generations of Asians who have con-
ident Bharat Rana, and Republican the highest number of Flags Flown a great job in bringing people from tributed to our homeland The Unit-
Coalition Chair Hemant Bhatt. and the Largest Drum Assemble was various states to the event and he ed States of America and we contin-
The theme for the Celebrations also unveiled by the Congressman was delighted to be a part of it. ue their good work’ he said speaking
for the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav- and Congresswomen present at the FIA President Mr. Kenny Desai about the Asian Heritage World.
celebrating 75 years of Indian Inde- event. in his speech said today was a histor- FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidya
pendence was unveiled by Congress- Congressman Raja Krishna- ical moment for Indian Americans said that the event was a precursor
man Raja Krishnamoorthy. The moorthy in his speech emphasized to celebrate the 75th anniversary to the major events being planned in
theme for the attempt at the Guin- the need for Indian Americans to of India’s Independence Day at the Continued at next page... >>