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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 34

         AAPI’s 41st Convention will Focus on “True and Total

              Health is the Wellbeing of Mind, Body, and Spirit”

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
              rue and Total Health is the
              Wellbeing of Mind, Body, and
        TSpirit” will be the theme for the
        41st  annual  Convention  2023  of  the
        American  Association  of  Physicians
        of Indian Origin (AAPI) planned to
        be held at the iconic Marriott Down-
        town in Philadelphia, PA from July
        6th-9th,  2023”  Dr.  Ravi  Kolli,  Pres-
        ident  of  AAPI  announced  during  a
        press meet on April 25, 2023.
            The virtual press conference was
        addressed  by  Dr.  Ravi  Kolli,  Presi-
        dent  of  AAPI,  Dr.  V.  Ranga,  Chair
        of  AAPI  Board  of  Trustees,  Dr.
        Satheesh  Kathula,  Vice  President  of
        AAPI, Dr. Meher Medavaram, Secre-
        tary of AAPI, Dr. Sumul Raval, Trea-
        surer of AAPI, and Dr. Sreeni Gan-
        gasani, CME Chair,  who  has  been
        newly  elected  as  the  Treasurer-Elect
        of AAPI.
            Dr.  Kolli  informed  the  media
        that AAPI successfully concluded its
        annual election with the participation
        of over 5,000 members to elect a new   Governors of Pennsylvania and New   convene and participate in the schol-  Board of Trustees, AAPI.
        leadership team that will be taking   Jersey. Mika Singh will perform at the   arly exchange of medical advances, to   “We will have one of the very best
        charge  at  the  convention.  Headed   convention  along  with  other  artists,   develop health policy agendas, and to   conventions  in  history,”  Dr.  Kathu-
        by  Dr.  Anjana  Samadder,  the  only   and Miss England will also attend as   encourage legislative priorities in the   la  said.  “The  convention  will  focus
        5th woman president of AAPI in its   a special guest.               coming year.”                     on Mental Health as well as Physi-
        41  years  long  history,  the  new  team   Additionally, Spiritual guide of   “AAPI  Convention  will  focus  on   cal health and various other medical
        will comprise of Dr. Satheesh Kathu-  Heartfulness Meditation and Padma   addressing physician burnout and the   specialty updates, Dr. Sanjay Gupta,
        la  as  the  President-Elect,  Dr.  Amit   Bhushan awardee, Kamlesh Patel   Convention team has planned several   Convener of the Convention stated
        Chakrabarty  as  the  Vice  President,   commonly known as Daaji, Her Ho-  wellness  packages,”  said  Dr.  Anjana   that  “Medical  Jeopardy,  Research,
        Dr. Sumul Raval as the Secretary; Dr.   liness Jagadguru Sai Ma, represen-  Samadder,  President-Elect  of  AAPI.   and  Poster  presentations  by  medical
        Sreeni Ganagasani as the Treasurer;   tatives  from  Bochasanwasi  Akshar   “As we witness a significant increase in   students, will be a great way to bring
        and  Lokesh  Edara  –  as  the  Chair,   Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha   physician burnout, Convention will be   the next generation of physicians into
        Board of Trustees.                (BAPS),  and other  spiritual  institu-  an opportunity to relax, interact with   AAPI  and will help accomplish the
            Dr.  Ravi  Kolli  will  continue  to   tions have been invited. CME speak-  your  colleagues,  and  learn  effective   mission of AAPI. In addition, advoca-
        serve AAPI as the Immediate  Past   ers  and  faculty  from  prestigious  in-  ways to address the challenges in caring   cy to dismantle the stigma of mental
        President of AAPI and help the lead-  stitutions including U Penn, Harvard   for patients and care for self and thus   illness and Suicide Prevention will be
        ership in their tasks as needed. In re-  and  Stanford  will  also  participate  in   avoid burnout,” Dr. Samadder added.     the highlight of the program.”
        sponse to a question on his tenure as   the convention, AAPI president Ravi   “Our  Annual  Convention  in   While  describing  the  many  ini-
        president of AAPI, Dr. Kolli said “I   Kolli informed.              Philadelphia  is  just  around  the  cor-  tiatives of AAPI both in India and
        maintained good relations with every-  Dr. Kolli said that the event will   ner.  Our team is working very hard   the United States over the past four
        one, every group, every region, and   host panel discussions on the future of   with great enthusiasm, and they are   decades,  Dr.  Medavaram  said,  “The
        everybody. I am very proud of my con-  health care, CEO forums, and sessions   all very excited to see you in this fan-  American  Association  of  Physicians
        tributions in bringing people together   on artificial intelligence and emerging   tastic memorable event. Some of the   of Indian Origin Convention offers an
        and reaching out to team members to   technologies  in  conjunction  with  en-  highlights of the convention are: Very   exciting venue to interact with leading
        reach their with full potential.”  tertainment and cultural sessions.   informative CMEs, product theaters;   physicians,  health  professionals,  ac-
            While  describing  the  schedule   According  to  Dr.  Ranga,  “The   Women’s Forum, CEO Forum, Fi-  ademicians,  and  scientists  of  Indian
        for  the  three-day  convention,  Dr.   American  Association  of  Physicians   nancial  Seminars,  Spiritual  sessions   origin. Physicians and healthcare pro-
        Kolli said, the convention will be ad-  of Indian Origin Convention offers an   &Yoga,  Obesity awareness  walk,   fessionals from across the country will
        dressed by eminent speakers, includ-  exciting venue to interact with leading   Alumni reunions, Local Tours, Special   convene and participate in the schol-
        ing  Indian-  American  Congressmen,   physicians,  health  professionals,  ac-  programs  for  non-physician  spouses,   arly exchange of medical advances, to
        Ro Khanna, Raja Krishnamoorthi,   ademicians,  and  scientists  of  Indian   and  lots  more,”  said  Dr.  Raghunan-  develop health policy agendas, and to
        and Ami Bera, and Congresswoman   origin. Physicians and healthcare pro-  dan Lolabhattu, CEO & Acting Chair   encourage legislative priorities in the
        Pramila Jayapal as well as senators,   fessionals from across the country will   of Convention 2023 and Vice Chair of   coming year.”

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