Page 32 - The Indian EYE 051923
P. 32
NORTH AMERICAN Newsline MAY 19, 2023 | The Indian Eye 32
ATA Condemns Sam Pitroda, Chairman of the
Aishwarya Thatikonda’s Indian Overseas Congress, calls
Death in Gun Violence for ending violence in Manipur
OUR BUREAU members of the Telugu community.
ATA expresses deepest condo-
New York, NY
lences to all the victims of this un-
merican Telugu Association, fortunate violence and their families. OUR BUREAU tage, and it is carried out recklessly
ATA, strongly condemns the We offer our prayers to the families
Asenseless act of gun violence and friends’ of victims and all others New York, NY to the detriment of the constitution
at a mall in Allen, Texas on Saturday affected by this heinous act. We, ATA OC leadership is concerned and the secular fabric of the nation,”
Mr. Abraham added.
May 6, 2023 where 8 innocent lives stands behind the families and offers about the alarming situation in Manipur borders Myanmar and
were lost. “It is very unfortunate that the support during this difficult time. IManipur where our Christian is home to a diverse range of ethnic
time and time again innocent people ATA is there to help the commu- community has suddenly suffered groups, including Meiteis, who are
are becoming victims to gun violence. nity and will work with like-minded due to the burning of 25 churches and a numerical majority in the state
It is a devastating fact that all commu- organizations to help the victims. 500 homes. In addition, 50 innocent and are predominantly Hindu, and
nities irrespective of ethnicity or race, We offer our deepest condolences people have been killed in the vio- various tribal communities, who are
innocent people across the country to the deceased and injured victims’ lence. This must stop immediately. largely Christian.
are getting hurt with gun violence,” families. We are thankful for the Peace must prevail to assure the safe- While area leaders believe that
ATA said in a statement. quick actions of the police and first ty, security, and well-being of all the the violence was largely a reaction to
Aishwarya Thatikonda, 27, from responders, and humbly request law-
Hyderabad, India where most of our makers to put an end to this senseless people in the area,” said Sam Pitro- certain political decisions as regards
da, Chairman of the Indian Overseas
reservation, they see its viciousness
members are from was one of the vic- form of violence and bring the neces- Congress. and severity, particularly the attack
tims of this recent incident. The Dal- sary changes to curb these tragedies “In India, community harmony on churches, as the growth of the
las metropolitan area, is home to a which are becoming too common in and respect for our diversity of re- influence of Radical Hindutva ide-
huge Indian diaspora as well as many our country.
ligion, race, caste, and customs are ology which has struggled to find a
the bedrock of our democracy. It is foothold in Manipur because of its
unfortunate that the very founda- mix of tribal, Hindu, Christian, and
Towards Better Living tion of our great civilization is being Muslim communities. Christian
attacked with polarized / divisive leaders from the area believed this
Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
propaganda and politics by a limited violence was religiously motivated.
group of vested interests. Our sympa- On April 11, as per press re-
thies are with the people of Manipur ports, three Christian churches were
Throughout 2022, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and the families and friends of the also bulldozed by the BJP-ruled
presents a bi-monthly article series to help us people affected by this violence and government in Manipur, where for-
navigate our existence towards better living. tragedy,” added Mr. Pitroda. ty-one percent of the population is
“We express our strongest con- Christian.
demnation of all forms of violence Unfortunately, prime minister
which can have no place in a civi- Modi who paid a visit to the Sacred
When: Every second & fourth lized society,” said George Abra- Heart Cathedral Church in Delhi on
ham, Vice-Chair of the Indian Over-
Easter Sunday, has, so far, not com-
Friday of the month
seas Congress, USA. It is the repeat mented on the reports of Hindutva
This series is dedicated to Pramukh Swami Maharaj,
whose centennial in 2022 gives an occasion to celebrate of the same BJP strategy of exploit- organizations targeting churches
the life of a person who will inspire generations towards ing differences targeting minority and pastors in various parts of the
goodness, happiness and harmony.
communities to gain political advan- country.