Page 30 - The Indian EYE 051923
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 30

              GOPIO Edison & Sayreville Toastmasters

           Club concludes youth leadership program

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ

               OPIO-Edison sponsored or-
               ganized  a  Youth  Leadership
        GProgram (YLP), for High
        School Students. Sayreville Toastmas-
        ters Club is based out of Sayreville,
        NJ under District-83 of Toastmaster
        International  (TI).    The  program  is
        very well popular free event to bring
        young adults under the age of eigh-
        teen  to  develop  leadership  quality
        and  public  speaking  and  to  make
        them aware of Toastmasters Interna-
        tional.    The  students  Sayreville  and
        many other cities participated.
            GOPIO Edison Lifetime Found-
        ing Member, as, Club President,
        Chitranjan Sahay Belwariar, who re-
        cently became Division Director ‘F’,
        District-83, TI, took the initiative to
        organize  the  event.  The  Club  pub-
        lished  the  schedule  well  in  advance
        and was also redistributed by school
        mailing  distribution.  Thanks  to  Su-
        perintendent of Schools at Sayreville
        Board  of  Education,  Dr.  Richard
        Labbe, who supported the club and
        its  activities.  These  were  also  pub-
        lished on Sayreville Toastmasters
        Club Facebook group and redistrib-
        uted  by  friends  of  the  club.  Many
        parents encouraged their kids to join   very  promptly  signed  into  zoom  at   al Organization of People of Indian   joined  over zoom,  and some  were
        this program as they saw the value   7pm and quickly get on to their roles.  Origin (GOPIO), Edison Chapter,  present in-person. The appreciation
        in kids public speaking growth. This   As  Coordinator for  YLP pro-  which  has  been  supportive  of  club  certificates were virtually shared over
        was the first initiative by the club, and   gram, Toastmaster Chitranjan, took   initiatives.         zoom and given to those who were
        it quickly became very popular as sig-  up the position as Toastmaster of the   Appreciation  Award:  Final  Ses-  presented and later sent to each de-

        nup sheets had to be closed, and it   Day role and explained the agenda   sion concluded on April 27th, 2023.  serving students as digital certificates
        still gets interest among youths. The   for each day. It did not take long for   Every student who was present gave  to  their  emails.  If  anyone  wants  to
        program was planned for six weekly   students to understand the meetings   positive feedback. One student said,  reach the club, send email to Toast-
        online zoom sessions. The district-83   format and took turns each day for   “I  am  going  to  add  his  experience  [email protected]   or
        official Somesh Chablani, the Chair   different roles.              in  his  college  application”.  Anoth-  leave voicemail at 848-4595918. The
        for Youth Leadership, gave valu-      Sayreville Library:  On Saturday,   er parent sent  a  thanking  note  to  Club  President  Chitranjan  Sahay
        able  guidance  to  the  program  and   April 29th the certification distribu-  the  club  for  the  initiative.  They  re-  Belwariar, Division Director, prom-
        suggested  getting  parental  consent.   tion was organized in Hybrid mode   quest more such events. Toastmaster  ised to bring more such events and
        The initiative was well supported by   at Sayreville Public Library. The en-  Somesh Chablani, DTM mentioned  thanked all who participated and sup-
        Toastmaster Javeed Ghani, Toast-  tire Library staff always helped and   the importance of three ‘C’ - Com-  ported  Youth  Leadership  Program.
        master Smita Tokekar and Toast-   supported the event by the club. Club   munication, Collaboration and Com-  GOPIO-Edison, NJ has been
        master Pallavi Verma, who is  also   president thanked the Librarian Ms   mitment.  GOPIO  Edison  President  a  community  service  organization
        president  of  GOPIO-Edison.  The   Aziza Haque for help in providing   Ms. Pallavi Verma, also a club mem-  since  early  2022  hosting  programs
        program was meeting every Thurs-  the  space  and  Library  equipment   ber explained in detail about the GO-  of broader interest to the Indian
        day at 7pm and young students were   for  club  events.  Librarian  Jennifer   PIO  and  its  activities  and  gave  en-  Diaspora  community.  With  cooper-
        participating  very  enthusiastically   Larsen and Librarian Daniel Vetra-  couraging speech to bring more such  ation with the Indian Consulate, the
        and each one was signing the google   no have always been helpful and ap-  programs.                  chapter launched India Collection of
        sheet  to  pick  roles.  The  roles  were   preciative of the club activities. The   The  awards  ceremony  was  held  Books at the Edison Public Library
        prepared  speaker,  evaluator,  Tim-  Sayreville Toastmaster club truly ap-  at Sayreville Public Library in hybrid  in  March  2022  and  has  organized
        er, and listener roles and Table top-  preciate their support. Not the least,   in person event held in Sayreville  informational seminars and celebra-
        ic master. Every week, the students   we also got sponsorship from Glob-  Public  Library.  Many  participants  tion of Indian Festivals at the library.

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