Page 36 - The Indian EYE 051923
P. 36

BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 36

               INFLATION DOWN & FOREX UP

                         Finally, some good signs

               of economy in recovery mode

               The overall reserves had dropped by $ 4.532 billion to $ 588.78 billion in the previous reporting week

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi

              he annual retail inflation eased
              to  4.7%  in  April  from  5.66%
        Tthe previous month, govern-
        ment data showed on Friday. It is for
        the second month in a row that Con-
        sumer Price Index (CPI) based infla-
        tion remained within the RBI’s com-
        fort zone of below 6%.
            Retail  inflation  has  fallen  to  an
        18-month low mainly due to cooling
        food prices. The retail inflation based
        on Consumer Price Index (CPI) was
        5.66%  in  March  2023  and  7.79%  in
        the  year-ago  period.  Retail  inflation
        in  April  is  the  lowest  since  October
        2021 when it was at 4.48%.
            Industrial  output India’s  indus-
        trial production rose 1.1% in March,
        according to official data released on
        Friday.  Factory  output  measured  in
        terms of the Index of Industrial Pro-
        duction (IIP) grew 2.2% in March 2022.
            The data released by the National
        Statistical Office (NSO) showed that   RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das on Friday said the cooling off in headline inflation to 4.7 per cent during April is “very satisfying” (ANI photo)
        the manufacturing sector’s output in-
        creased 0.5% in March 2023. Mining   growth,  the  central  bank  put  the   the official data on Friday gives confi-  by global developments.
        output  rose  6.8%  during  the  month   brakes on its tightening cycle in April,   dence that the “monetary policy is on   During the week ended on
        under review while power output de-  while leaving the door open for ma-  the right track”.           May  5,  the  foreign  currency  as-
        clined by 1.6% in March.          neuvering until the “war against infla-  He,  however,  declined  to  com-  sets,  a  major  component  of  the  re-
            According  to  the  National  Sta-  tion” is over.              ment if the release of the numbers   serves,  increased  by  nearly  $  6.536
        tistical  Office,  inflation  in  the  food   The decline in inflation is expect-  will lead the RBI to be less hawkish or   billion  to  $  526.021  billion,  accord-
        basket was 3.84% in April, as against   ed to help the central bank’s six-mem-  change the stance of the policy, quip-  ing  to  the  latest  Weekly  Statistical
        4.79%  in  March  and  8.31%  in  the   ber Monetary Policy Committee leave   ping that all of it will be clear on the   Supplement  released  by  the  RBI.
        year-ago period. Retail inflation rose   the benchmark rate unchanged for the   morning of June 8, when the next pol-  Expressed in dollar terms, the for-
        from 5.7% in December 2022 to 6.4%   second time when it meets on June 6-8.  icy review is scheduled.  eign currency assets include the effect
        in February 2023 on the back of high-  Although  price  pressures  have   Meanwhile,  India’s  foreign  ex-  of appreciation or depreciation of non-
        er prices of cereals, milk and fruits and   eased, unseasonal rains and rising   change reserves jumped by $ 7.196 bil-  US units like the euro, pound and yen
        slower deflation in vegetable prices.  housing  costs  are  the  new  risks  on   lion to $ 595.976 billion in the week end-  held in the foreign exchange reserves.
            Last month, India’s central bank   the  minds  of  policy  makers.  Earlier   ed on May 5, the Reserve Bank of India   Gold reserves increased by $ 659 mil-
        surprised markets by holding its key   this month, finance minister Nirmala   said on Friday. The overall reserves had   lion to $ 46.315 billion, the RBI said.
        repo rate steady after six consecutive   Sitharaman  said  inflation  is  “slightly   dropped by $ 4.532 billion to $ 588.78   The  Special  Drawing  Rights
        hikes to tamp down inflationary pres-  above” a tolerable level and the gov-  billion in the previous reporting week.  (SDRs) were down by $ 19 million to $
        sures.  Many  economists  expect  it  to   ernment is working to control it.  In  October  2021,  the  country’s   18.447 billion, the apex bank said. The
        remain on pause mode for the rest     Reserve Bank of India Governor   forex reserve had reached an all-time   country’s  reserve  position  with  the
        of the year to support the recovery in   Shaktikanta  Das  on  Friday  said the   high  of  $  645  billion.  The  reserves   International Monetary Fund (IMF)
        Asia’s third-largest economy.     cooling off in headline inflation to 4.7   have  been  declining  as  the  central   was up by $ 20 million to $ 5.192 bil-
            With  higher  borrowing  costs   per cent during April is “very satisfying”.  bank deployed the kitty to defend the   lion in the reporting week, the RBI
        weighing on India’s world-beating     The governor said the release of   rupee amid pressures caused majorly   data showed.

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