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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                         MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 38


                                NOT TAKING A RISK

                               Risk hai to Glory hai

                                                                                                              that it’s not all going to be clear sailing,
                                                                                                              and that’s absolutely okay. You learn
                                                                                                              more from distress than from success.
                                                                                                                  If you really ponder, the road
                                                                                                              well-traveled is rarely without its
                                                                                                              hiccups,  but  you  accept  these  more
                                                                                                              readily  because  you  haven’t  “done
                                                                                                              something silly” like taking a signifi-
                                                                                                              cant risk to reach this juncture. These
                                                                                                              gaps are more easily justified.
                                                                                                                  However, everything you do re-
                                                                                                              quires courage. Whether it is to ex-
                                                                                                              periment something fresh or new or
                                                                                                              steady the ship. Sometimes, you just
                                                                                                              have to keep both your eyes closed.
                   HIRAV SHAH                                                                                 And take that leap of faith.
                                                                                                                  Richard  Branson  is  one  of  the
              he biggest enemy of success is                                                                  best-known calculated entrepreneur-
              the  comfort  zone  and  ninety                                                                 ial risk-takers in the business world.
        Tpercent  people  or  even  more    From starting Virgin Mobile to disrupting the airline industry with Virgin Atlantic and Virgin   Starting Virgin Mobile, to disrupting
        want  to  stay  in  their  comfort  zones   America, Richard Branson has confronted everything (File photo)   the airline industry with Virgin At-
        only.  In  a  world  that’s  constantly                                                               lantic and Virgin America, the popu-
        changing,  success  is  not  and  never                             tions who take calls.             lar founder of Virgin has confronted
        guaranteed if you wish to stay in your   What is a Business Risk?       Risk-takers are a significant part   everything. Ever since he was a young
        comfort zones. Take risks but calcu-  Business Risk is the exposure   of business because, for a business to   kid, he has been hustling up plenty of
        lated risks.                                                                                          ideas that involved loving and learn-
                                          an organization or a company has to   prosper, there needs to be an influx
        • Take risks. Take chances.       factor(s) that will lower its profits or   of new ideas and opportunities for   ing from his calculated risks.
                                          lead it to possibly fail. Anything that   investments.  By  taking  risks,  busi-  Final Thoughts
        • Risk Taker Can Also Become the   threatens  a  company’s  ability  to  at-  nessmen  and  entrepreneurs  can  try
          Success Getter                                                                                          Make  sure  you  are  educated
                                          tain its financial goals is considered a   different  strategies,  assess  the  suc-
        • Risk Taker Can Also Become the   business risk.                   cess of those, and learn about market   on the risks. There should be more
                                                                                                              “dos” than “don’ts” on your list when
          Achiever                            Factors are many that can con-  trends  to  be  more  successful  when   properly taking a risk. To make this
                                          verge for creating business risk. Some-  the next idea is tried.
        • Risk Taker Can Also Become the   times  it  is  the  company’s  manage-                             easier, make a list, writing down the
          Trailblazer                                                          What is Calculated Risk?       pros and cons, you are considering to
                                          ment or top leadership that creates
        • Risk Taker Can Also Become the   circumstances, where a business may   By  effective  planning,  you  can   see which one outweighs the other.
                                                                                                                  You never truly know the risk’s
          Groundbreaker                   be exposed to a greater degree of risk.  prepare yourselves to navigate the   outcome,  but  if  you  look  into  it
            In order to achieve success and                                 hazards  that  you  encounter  and
        glory and grow as a person, you must   Who Is a Risk Taker?         choose which risk is the most logical   deeply, you might be able to limit
                                                                                                              the room for failure. Sure, there are
        be  willing  to  take  risks.  By  pushing   A Risk-taker is someone who   and  practical  and  intelligent  one  to   things that will be out of your control,
        yourself, you will get to learn new   tries  new  things,  the  outcomes  of   take.                  but if you stagnate yourself based on
        things, gain new skills, and develop   which  are  largely  unknown.  A  risk   In other words, you need to be   a fear of what might happen, you will
        newer perspectives. It will be uncom-  taker  has  the  ability  to  make  deci-  smart and calculative about the risks   never give yourself the chance to find
        fortable and scary, but it is required.  sions quickly and easily, understand-  you take.             out what could.
                                          ing the value of innovation and cre-  Setup dividing lines or boundar-
                What is a Risk?           ativity, being courageous or unafraid,   ies within which you will operate and   “You  have  to  be  comfortable
            Risk  involves  uncertainty  about   tolerating loss, having heightened   identify when those boundaries are   being  uncomfortable,  you  have  to
        the implications/effects of an activity   expectations, and being comfortable   drawing near.         be willing to risk being different. Be-
                                                                                                              cause Risk hai to Glory hai.”
        with  respect  to  something  that  hu-  in  the  face  of  uncertainty.  Folks  in   Set a time limit or money limit
        mans value (such as business, health,   risk-taking  positions  often  include   on  the  risk  you  are  contemplating,
        well-being, wealth, property or the   people in leadership roles, CEOs or   to ensure that you are remaining in   The writer is a well-known
        environment), often focusing on un-  founders of an organization or busi-  charge of your own ship.   Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
        desirable, negative consequences.   ness, and people in managerial posi-  Above all, you will have to admit   Email: [email protected]

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