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BUSINESS EYE                                                              MAY 19, 2023  |    The Indian Eye 37

                                                              TECH T@LK

           Everything you need to know about Google I/O Keynote

               oogle  kicks  off  its  developer   and territories, but it’s also launching   age” feature and new markup in the   PIXEL 7A
               conference  each  year  with   support for Japanese and Korean   file itself that will allow images to be   Google’s  Pixel  7a  goes  on  sale
        Ga  rapid-fire  stream  of  an-   with a goal of supporting 40 languag-  labelled as “AI-generated.”   May 11 at USD100 less than the Pixel
        nouncements, including many unveil-  es in the near future.             Both of these are extensions of   7 (USD 499). Like the Pixel 6a, it has
        ings of recent things it’s been working   It’s also working for Bard’s abil-  work already going on, but is meant   the  6.1-inch  screen  versus  the  6.4-
        on.  Have  a  look  at  these  new  an-  ity to surface images in its respons-  to  provide  more  transparency  on  if   inch Pixel 7. It also launched in India.
        nouncements,  which  were  promised   es. In addition, Google is partnering   the “image is credible or AI-gener-
        at this year Google I/O keynote.   with Adobe for some art generation   ated,” albeit not an end-all-be-all of   PIXEL FOLD
                                          capabilities via Bard.            addressing the larger problem of AI   One  of  the  big  announcements
                    PALM 2                                                  image misinformation.             that already dropped is that Google
            Google’s newest large language           MUSICLM                                                  used May 4 (aka “May the Fourth Be
        model (LLM) is Palm 2. According      MusicLM is Google’s new exper-        GOOGLE CLOUD              With You” Day) to unveil it will have
        to  Tech  Crunch  website,  “PaLM  2   imental AI tool that turns text into   There’s  a  new  A3  supercom-  a foldable Pixel phone.
        will power Google’s updated Bard   music. For example, if you are host-  puter virtual machine in town. Ac-
        chat tool, the company’s competitor   ing  a  dinner  party,  you  can  simply   cording  to  TechCrunch,  “this  A3   UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR
        to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and function   type, “soulful jazz for a dinner party”   has been purpose-built to handle   Google is testing a powerful new
        as the foundation model for most of   and have the tool create several ver-  the  considerable  demands  of  these   translation  service  that  puts  video
        the new AI features the company is   sions of the song.             resource-hungry  use  cases,”  noting   into a new language while also syn-
        announcing today.”                                                  that  A3  is  “armed  with  NVIDIA’s   chronizing  the  speaker’s  lips  with
            PaLM  2  also  now  features  im-         SEARCH                H100  GPUs  and  combining  that   words  they  never  spoke.  Called
        proved support for writing and de-    Google  Search  has  two  new   with a specialized data center to de-  “Universal Translator,” it was shown
        bugging code.                     features  surrounding  better under-  rive immense computational power   as “an example of something only re-
                                          standing of content and the context   with high throughput and low la-  cently made possible by advances in
            BARD GETS SMARTER             of an image the user is viewing in the   tency,  all  at  what  they  suggest  is  a   AI, but simultaneously presenting se-
            Google is not only removing its   search results.               more  reasonable  price  point  than   rious risks that have to be reckoned
        waitlist for Bard and making its avail-  The new feature includes more   you  would  typically  pay  for  such  a   with  from  the  start,”  reported  Tech
        able, in English, in over 180 countries   information with an “About this Im-  package.”              Crunch.

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