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NATION                                                                    MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                Sex, crimes and politics:

            Mystery about who leaked videos of

                                    former PM’s grandson

          Bengaluru Rural MP alleges that HD Kumaraswamy and some BJP leaders were behind

                    the release of the pen drive in JD(S) MP Prajwal Revanna’s sex videos case

        OUR BUREAU
        Bengaluru/New Delhi
           n the middle of national elections, a political row
           has erupted in Karnataka over the case pertain-
        Iing to JD (S) MP Prajwal Revanna and his “hav-
        ing left the country” and gone to Germany. A day
        after Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna sought time to
        appear before the special investigation team (SIT)
        in connection with the alleged ‘obscene video’ case,
        Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara hinted
        at the possibility of an arrest of the JD(S) legislator
        if he fails to appear for questioning.
            Revanna was booked in an alleged sexual ha-
        rassment case on April 28 following complaints by
        his former housekeeper. The case has been regis-
        tered under sections 354A, 354D, 506, and 509 of
        the IPC on charges of sexual harassment, intimida-
        tion and outraging the dignity of a woman.
            As per the complaint, the victim has claimed
        that Prajwal Revanna and his father HD Revanna
        had sexually assaulted her. Revanna is the grandson
        of party supremo and former Prime Minister HD   Congress supporters stage a protest demanding the arrest of Janata Dal (Secular) MP Prajwal Revanna over his alleged
        Deve Gowda.
            Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah wrote                         involvement in the sex scandal in Bengaluru (ANI)
        to Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging him to
        take action to cancel the diplomatic passport of Pra-  the victims of the alleged obscene video case amid   vance,  so  he  did  not  openly  tell  Prajwal  to  cor-
        jwal Revanna, Janata Dal (Secular) MP, who is said   the latter’s ongoing electioneering in the state.  rect it. Revanna himself has admitted that these
        to have flown to Europe after being accused of sex-  “I appeal to Amit Shah to visit Hassan and meet   videos are four years old. His family members
        ually exploiting several women.               the victims. Your party only has given a letter, iden-  have given statements one by one on this mat-
            Also, the Karnataka Home Minister while   tify them and please meet them,” Shivakumar said   ter, why should anyone else be blamed?” he said.
        speaking to the media on Thursday said that a look-  while speaking to ANI in Kalaburagi on Thursday.  On being asked about Kumaraswamy’s state-
        out notice has been issued in the case. “Look out   Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who is in   ment that DK Shivakumar was behind the release
        notice has been issued. It has been informed that   the state as part of BJP’s election campaigning, on   of Prajwal Revanna’s pen drive, the Congress lead-
        he (Prajwal Revanna) has to appear before the SIT.   Wednesday, met the parents of Neha Hiremath, who   er said that Kumaraswamy can’t live without taking
        They (HD Revanna and Prajwal Revanna) have to   was stabbed to death, in Hubbali and attacked the   DK Shivakumar’s name every day.
        appear as notice is given. If they don’t appear, they   ruling Congress party in the state over the alleged   “Is Kumaraswamy’s accusation important here,
        will be arrested,” Parmeshwara said.         obscene video case during his public rally in Haveri.  or is it important to provide protection and justice
            “I came to know that notice has been put; I’m   But in a shocking allegation, Bengaluru Rural   to the more than 500 victims? Every day, they keep
        ready to face anything; I’m ready to face SIT,” HD Re-  MP DK Suresh on Wednesday said that HD Ku-  making statements to cover up their lies. We should
        vanna, who is also an accused in the case, said earlier.  maraswamy and some Bharatiya Janata Party lead-  think about those who have been wronged. Tell me
            Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has   ers were behind the release of the pen drive in JD(S)   on which issue Kumaraswamy is not criticizing Shi-
        written to Prime Minister Modi, requesting him to   MP Prajwal Revanna’s sex videos case.   vakumar,” he said.
        direct the Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry   Speaking to reporters at his Sadashivanagar   Speaking about Prajwal Revanna’s suspension
        of Home Affairs to cancel the diplomatic passport   residence, Suresh said, “Kumaraswamy and some   from the JDS  party, DK Suresh  said that Jana-
        issued to Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna and ensure   BJP leaders had information about Prajwal Revan-  ta Dal (Secular) is the property of Deve Gowda’s
        his return to face the law.                  na’s pen drive before anyone else. They are trying   family. “It is his family’s party. They are suspend-
            Meanwhile, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister   to blame it on DK Shivakumar to save themselves.”  ed whenever they want, and they are admitted
        DK Shivakumar on Thursday asked Union Home       “His alliance leaders and Kumaraswamy are   to the party whenever they want. Janata Dal is
        Minister Amit Shah to visit Hassan district and meet   involved. Kumaraswamy knew about this in ad-  the property of Deve Gowda’s family,” he said.

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