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BIG STORY                                                                 MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                     INDIA-US RELATIONS


             The Washington Post reveals the name of Indian intelligence officer allegedly behind the

          Pannun murder plot. USCIRF condemns Indian government for its “discriminatory nationalist

                           policies”. What is gone wrong between the two biggest democracies?

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            ric, and failed to address communal
                                                                                                              violence disproportionately affecting
        Washington, DC/New Delhi
                                                                                                              Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits,
             uddenly, in the middle of the                                                                    Jews, and Adivasis (indigenous peo-
             most important election in Indi-                                                                 ples). Continued enforcement of
        San history, the relations between                                                                    the Unlawful Activities Prevention
        the world’s biggest democracy and its                                                                 Act (UAPA), Foreign Contribution
        crucial strategic partner, the US, are                                                                Regulation Act (FCRA), Citizen-
        not looking good. Not a week pass-                                                                    ship Amendment Act (CAA), and
        es without a war of words between                                                                     anti-conversion and cow slaughter
        Washington DC and New Delhi, even                                                                     laws resulted in the arbitrary deten-
        as both sides emphasize that all is well                                                              tion, monitoring, and targeting of re-
        between the two important partners.                                                                   ligious minorities and those advocat-
            In the latest episode of discord                                                                  ing on their behalf,” the report said.
        between the countries, India on                                                                           Meanwhile, in another growing
        Thursday rejected the report of the                                                                   and thorny issue, External Affairs
        US Commission  on Internation-                                                                        Ministry rejected a report in The
        al Religious Freedom that accused                                                                     Washington Post naming Indian Re-
        the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party                                                                     search and Analysis Wing (RAW)
        (BJP) of “reinforcing discriminato-                                                                   official’s  involvement  in  the  alleged
        ry nationalist policies” and said the                                                                 post  to  kill  Gurpatwant  Singh  Pan-
        organization is completely ‘biased’                                                                   nun in the US. Describing it as an
        and it doesn’t even expect from the                                                                   “unwarranted and unsubstantiated”
        organization to understand country’s                                                                  imputation on a “serious matter”
        diverse, pluralistic and democratic                                                                   that is under investigation, Ministry
        ethos.                                                                                                of  External  Affairs  (MEA)  official
            “The US Commission on Inter-                                                                      spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal on
        national  Religious  Freedom  (US-                                                                    Monday said the US media report
        CIRF) is known as a biased organi-                                                                    was “speculative and irresponsible”.
        zation with a political agenda. They                                                                      In response to media queries on
        continue to publish their propaganda                                                                  the report that appeared in Washing-
        on India masquerading as part of an                                                                   ton Post, a US national daily, Jaiswal
        annual report,” Ministry of External                                                                  said that a High-Level Committee
        Affairs  official  spokesperson  Rand-                                                                set up by the Indian government is
        hir Jaiswal said at a press briefing on                                                               carrying out an investigation into the
        Thursday.                                                                                             security concerns shared by the US
            The United States Commission                                                                      government on networks of orga-
        on International Religious Freedom   Prime Minister Narendra Modi with US President Joe Biden during the G-20 Summit in New   nized criminals, terrorists, and oth-
        is a U.S. federal government com-                       Delhi in September 2023 (ANI)                 ers.
        mission created by the International                                                                      “The  report in  question  makes
        Religious Freedom Act of 1998. US-  ernment failed to address communal   to interfere in the largest electoral   unwarranted and unsubstantiated
        CIRF Commissioners are appointed   violence disproportionately affecting   exercise of the world will never suc-  imputations on a serious matter.
        by the President and the leadership   Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits,   ceed,” Jaiswal said in his response.  There is an ongoing investigation of
        of both political parties in the Senate   Jews, and Adivasis (indigenous peo-  “In 2023, religious freedom   the High-Level Committee set up
        and the House of Representatives.  ples).                           conditions in India continued to de-  by the Government of India to look
            Earlier on Wednesday, the US      “We really have no expectation   teriorate. The government, led by   into the security concerns shared by
        Commission on International Re-   that USCIRF will even seek to un-  the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),   the US government on networks of
        ligious Freedom (USCIRF) which    derstand  India’s  diverse,  pluralistic   reinforced discriminatory nationalist   organized criminals, terrorists and
        alleged that last year, Indian gov-  and democratic ethos. Their efforts   policies, perpetuated hateful rheto-  Continued on next page... >>

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