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NATION                                                                    MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                     GENERAL ELECTIONS 2024

                                     Modi versus Rahul:

                  Top leaders attack each other

           personally as poll battle heats up

        OUR BUREAU
        Anand/New Delhi/Lucknow

            n a scathing attack on Congress
            leader Rahul Gandhi, Prime
        IMinister Narendra Modi on
        Thursday  targeted  him saying that
        Pakistan wants him as the next Prime
        Minister in order to have a weak gov-
        ernment in power. He also claimed
        that the Congress is weakening in
        India, making it difficult to find the
        party even with a microscope.
            The PM said at a rally in Guja-
        rat’s Anand district, “In India, the
        Congress party is weakening, mean-      BJP supporters during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s public meeting ahead of the Lok Sabha polls in Anand on Thursday (ANI)
        ing that even with a microscope, it’s
        becoming difficult to find the party.   a strong government in India today.  Minister of India gets “irritated.”     Rahul Gandhi added.
        But the interesting part is that while   They want a weak government. They  “The Prime Minister waived off a loan   “We (If INDIA bloc is voted to
        the Congress is dying here, Pakistan   want a weak government like the one   of Rs 16 lakh crore for 22 people. He   power) are going to implement the
        is crying there. Pakistani politicians   during the 26/11 terrorist attack in   made 22 billionaires. Now we are go-  first permanent job scheme. You will
        are “praying” for the Congress. Pa-  Mumbai, a weak dossier government.  ing to make crores of people million-  get a job for one year and Rs 8,500
        kistan is eager to make the ‘shehza-  The enemies of the nation want a   aires,” he alleged while addressing a   will be transferred into your bank ac-
        da’ (referring to Rahul Gandhi) the   corrupt government like the one be-  public meeting in Shivamogga.  count per month. And the graduates
        Prime Minister.”                  fore 2014. Modi’s strong government   “Whenever we talk about ‘Maha-  of Hindustan are going to get world-
           “We all know that the Congress   neither bows nor is stopped. And   lakshmi’, the Prime Minister of India   class training,” he said.
        is Pakistan’s ‘murid’ (admirer). The   that’s why the world is saying that   gets irritated. Because his billionaire   Polling for Karnataka with 28
        partnership between Pakistan and   only India can accelerate the devel-  friends are not going to get this mon-  Lok Sabha seats are being held in
        Congress has now been exposed,” he   opment of the world,” he said.  ey. Our government (if voted to pow-  two phases. Voting for 14 seats had
        added. Modi claimed the enemies of    Hitting back at PM,  Rahul    er) is going to confer the right of ap-  concluded on April 26 while the re-
        the nation want a weak government   Gandhi on Thursday said that    prenticeship on the youth. Under the   maining 14 seats will undergo polling
        instead of a strong one in India today.   whenever the Congress party talks   Yuva Nidhi scheme, the government   on May 7. The counting of votes is
        “The enemies of the nation don’t want   Mahalakshmi Yojana the Prime   is giving you Rs 3000 per month,”   scheduled for June 4.

                                  AAP appoints leaders for each LS seat in Delhi

                  nder the banner of INDIA bloc, Aam   MLA and MCD in charge of the party and Political   coming Lok Sabha elections, a pivotal meeting
                  Aadmi Party’s organizational general   Affairs Committee member, the party said.  between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the
           Usecretary Sandeep Pathak has appoint-        At the level of Lok Sabha constituencies, Rajesh   Congress party under the banner of the INDIA
            ed one leader at the state level and one leader   Gupta will be the coordinator for New Delhi, Naresh   Alliance Co-ordination Committee transpired
            each at the level of Lok Sabha constituencies in   Balyan for West Delhi, Dinesh Mohania for South   on Tuesday. The meeting witnessed the par-
            Delhi for the upcoming election campaign in   Delhi, Pawan Sharma for Chandni Chowk, Mukesh   ticipation  of  notable  figures  including  AAP’s
            coordination with the Congress party.    Ahlawat for North West, Sanjeev Jha for North   National General Secretary (Organization) and
               According to the seat-sharing agreement   East and Dilip Pandey for East Delhi, it added.  Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak, alongside
            under the INDIA bloc, the Congress is fighting   Earlier on Tuesday, the Aam Aadmi Party and   key members from both camps. AAP was rep-
            on three seats in Delhi while the AAP is con-  the Congress party held a meeting under the banner of   resented by MCD in-charge and MLA Durgesh
            testing on four seats in the Lok Sabha elections.  the INDIA bloc to discuss their campaign strategy for   Pathak and the Congress unit was led by Delhi
               The  responsibility  of  coordination  at  the   contesting the Lok Sabha elections in Delhi together.  Congress in-charge Deepak Babaria and inter-
            state level has been given to Durgesh Pathak,   Delving into the political intricacies of the up-  im president Devendra Yadav.

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