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OPINION                                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

                            Mapping India’s Path:

                   Pioneering a Space Future

                                       Free from Debris


              ecently, the Director of the
              Indian Space Research Or-
        Rganization announced the
        aim to eliminate debris from all In-
        dian Space Missions by 2030, gov-
        ernmental or non-governmental. In-
        dia’s move has drawn attention from
        across the globe as it would allow it
        to expand its space diplomacy and
        take a leading position in space gov-
        ernance. This article describes how
        India is tackling the debris problem
        and why it is essential for the safety of
        the space environment both present
        and future generations.

             pace debris, a trace of human
             activity  in  space,  constitutes  a
        Ssevere danger to the space en-
        vironment. The possibility of collision
        of millions of fragments around the
        earth threatens operational satellites,
        spacecraft, and potentially human
        lives. Even the most minor debris can
        cause massive damage when it crash-
        es into anything, disrupting essential
        functions such as communication and
        weather forecasting.               Project NETRA is the first Indian effort to create a timely warning system for space debris and related dangers its satellites face (File photo: Isro)
            The exponential increase in
        space debris puts long-term space   and collaboration between the Indian   probability of successful post-mission   ing  its  proactive approach  towards
        activities and future exploration mis-  government and private companies   disposal  through  specific  measures   dealing with the increasing difficulties
        sions at risk. Accidents such as Kos-  put India at a vantage point to make   taken to enhance the safety of human   of conducting activities in space due
        mos 1275, Kosmos 2143, or Kosmos   crucial steps in reducing the hazards   beings during space travel. Further-  to crowding in orbit and the spread of
        2145 have shown that it is necessary   associated with space debris and pro-  more, this initiative focuses on part-  debris. Moreover, this multifunction-
        to reduce space debris and have led   tecting its space assets for posterity.   nerships across borders while also   al center also mirrors worldwide at-
        to greater emphasis on its tracking,   Following are the initiatives of India   building capacity for tracking objects   tempts to improve knowledge about
        reduction, and disposal operations.   in the management of space debris:   in space and supporting investiga-  what is happening in space and pro-
        As human presence in space contin-                                  tions to maintain sustainability over   mote cooperation between countries
        ues to grow, effective management  DEBRIS FREE SPACE MISSION        long periods.                     in caring  for global space resources
        of space junk becomes crucial in en-           2030                                                   on earth.
        hancing the safety and continuity of    his comprehensive effort in-     SPACE SITUATIONAL                The ISRO Space Situational
        services in outer space.                                                AWARENESS CONTROL             Awareness and Object Management
                                                volves  careful  planning  and          CENTRE                (IS4OM) system is a complex infra-
              INDIA’S INITIATIVES         Texecution of missions, there-                                      structure created to detect and track
                                          by mitigating space debris arising      he  Space  Situational  Aware-
           ndia’s space debris management   from the operations of satellites and   ness Control Centre (SSACC)   orbital debris.
                                                                                                                  This  framework  dramatically
           initiatives showcase its dedica-  launch vehicles and during their  Tsafeguards and manages In-
        Ition towards the safety and sus-  post-mission disposal. It emphases   dia’s space domain. It is the nucleus   improves satellite systems’ resilience
                                                                                                              and shows India’s commitment to
        tainability of space activities. The   collision avoidance and deliberate   of India’s broader strategy for space
        application of modern technology   disintegration while ensuring a high   resilience  and  sustainability,  affirm-  Continued on next page... >>

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