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OPINION                                                                   MAY 10, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 12

        responsible space activities. Based                                                                   To effectively monitor and mitigate
        on advanced space situational aware-                                                                  risks arising from space debris, In-
        ness capabilities, IS4OM reflects In-                                                                 dia must invest more in advanced
        dia’s efforts to enhance its knowledge                                                                technologies for surveillance aware-
        about space and protect its satellites                                                                ness of situations in outer space,
        and other celestial bodies that could                                                                 like tracking satellites or debris. By
        be affected by them. In addition, this                                                                improving its ability to survey outer
        implementation points out that there                                                                  space, India can offer valuable data
        should be international cooperation                                                                   to the international community.
        among states when dealing with dif-                                                                       Secondly, India should focus
        ferent sides of the problem, such as                                                                  more on capacity building and in-
        prevention or cure for orbital junk,                                                                  formation exchange initiatives to
        thus leading towards sustainable de-                                                                  support  developing countries  in
        velopment and a safe environment                                                                      building their space capabilities and
        within which outer-space activities                                                                   propagating responsible space usage.
        can continue for many years.                                                                          Using its knowledge and resources,
            Project NETRA is the first Indi-                                                                  India can fill this gap in technology
        an effort to create a timely warning                                                                  and promote international coopera-
        system for space debris and related                                                                   tion on space governance.
        dangers its satellites face in space.                                                                     Thirdly, India must be diplo-
        The project shows that India wants                                                                    matically active in encouraging rec-
        to be ready for any threats against                                                                   ognition of international guidelines
        its activities in space, which are be-                                                                for responsible behavior in space.
        coming more crowded and contested   India can further strengthen its position as an eminent player in the global space arena by   These binding agreements  may  be
        each year. Such initiatives will help          introducing several strategic measures (File photo: Isro)  developed  and  adopted  by  India  at
        strengthen India’s own space capabil-                                                                 meetings such as those held within
        ities and support worldwide attempts                                                                  COPUOS – a parent organization
        at improving knowledge about what   INDIA’S COLLABORATION IN            Additionally, India places im-  essentially controlling the peaceful
        is happening in space and encourag-   DEBRIS MANAGEMENT             portance  on   building  capacity  use of outer space so that responsible
        ing responsible behavior among all                                  through training and workshops. For   behavior is incentivized through reg-
        nations using it.                       he way India involves itself   instance, the European Space Agen-  ulations on debris and other forms of
               MANASTU SPACE                    with other countries in manag-  cy provided Indian Space Research   waste that endanger long-term sus-
                                          Ting space junk is very complex                                     tainability.
                 ithin  the  ever-growing  and well thought out, for instance, by   Organization officials with four days   Moreover, India should also
                                                                            of  training  on  space  debris,  while
                 field  of  space  technology,   joining the Inter-agency Space Debris                        look for the chance to collaborate
        WManastu Space is an Indi-        Coordination Committee (IADC).    a two-day joint workshop between   with countries on the same line of
        an start-up taking on new challenges   India participates in all the working   ISRO and the French National Cen-  thinking and space agencies to jointly
                                                                            tre for Space Studies focused on
        in orbital debris removal.        groups and steering committees, thus   Space Situational Awareness (SSA).   devise strategies to manage space de-
            This start-up is currently leading   ensuring active participation global-                        bris. Through building relationships
        the way with its development of state-  ly in shaping strategies and policies   These efforts highlight India’s active   around mutual interests and shared
                                                                            strategy towards dealing with space
        of-the-art technology for de-orbiting   on  space  debris.  It  also  contributes   debris problems via international co-  objectives, India can make a more
        satellites, extending their lifespan in   to re-entry prediction campaigns, in-  operation, knowledge sharing, and   significant  difference  in  the  world’s
        orbit, and refueling them while they   creasing the capability to forecast and   capacity-building improvement.   space  governance  regime  and  con-
        are there, among other things. By   manage tracks of space junk. Apart                                tribute towards creating a rule-based
        going where no man has gone before   from IADC, other forums deal with    THE WAY FORWARD             order in outer space.
        and  finding  new  ways  to  solve  old   this matter, such as International Or-
        problems concerning space junk and   ganization of Standards (ISO) Work-    ajor powers have been              CONCLUSION
        satellite sustainability, this start-up   ing Group-7 and the International   criticized for contributing   ndia’s  initiative  to  achieve  de-
        represents India’s determination to   Academy of Astronautics (IAA)  Mto the problem of space            bris-free space missions by 2030
        promote self-reliance in space tech-  Working Group on Space Debris and   debris by engaging in reckless space   Idemonstrates its commitment to
        nology invention.                 Space  Traffic  Management  (STM)   activities, unlike India, which is pro-  responsible behavior in space and
            This move demonstrates India’s   initiatives, where  collaboration  hap-  active. The history of China’s delib-
        capabilities in science and shows   pens with India.                erate destruction of satellites and an-  leadership in dealing with the urgent
                                                                                                              problem of space junk. By taking the
        how serious it is about becoming      India has committed to working   ti-satellite missile testing has created   proactive steps mentioned above to
        independent when working beyond   with other nations by cooperating   a lot of space debris that threatens   mitigate the risks posed by space de-
        the earth’s atmosphere comes into   with well-known space agencies, such   manned and uncrewed missions. Un-  bris, India can further strengthen its
        play. Through investing strategical-  as  DLR,  JAXA,  NASA,  ESA,  and   like nations where military interests   position as a responsible country in-
        ly  at home  with  companies such as   CNES. These collaborations enable   dominate their space policies, India’s   volved in outer-space activities that
        Manastu  Space,  India  hopes  to  tap   them to collaborate on space debris   move becomes a model for respon-  create a safe, secure, and sustain-
        into the game-changing social bene-  mitigation and remediation, includ-  sible behavior in outer space and its   able environment for subsequent
        fits that could be brought about using   ing the shared hosting of facilities   focus on the use of space for develop-  generations and enhance its role as
        space technologies and position itself   for observing space junk. Moreover,   mental activities.     a substantial contributor to space
        as a leader within this sector world-  India employs collaboration through   India can further strengthen its   governance.
        wide. Success of private companies   purchasing or sharing space object   position as an eminent player in the
        like Manastu Space is also reflective   tracking data from national and pri-  global space arena by introducing   This article first appeared
        of the vibrancy of  the  Indian start-  vate Space Situational Awareness   several strategic measures that will   on the website ( of Indian
        up ecosystem, including in the space   (SSA) agencies, improving the accu-  enable it to improve its capabilities   Council of World Affairs, New Delhi,
        sector.                           racy of conjunction analysis.     and influence over space governance.        on May 2, 2024

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