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BIG STORY MAY 10, 2024 | The Indian Eye 5
others. Speculative and irresponsible
comments on it are not helpful.”
Citing officials and a US indict-
ment, the Washington Post report
claimed that the RAW official iden-
tified as Vikram Yadav had directed
Indian businessman Nikhil Gupta,
now in custody in the Czech Repub-
lic pending extradition to the US to
stand trial in the case, to hire a hit-
man to kill GS Pannun outside his
New York residence. As per the re-
port in the US daily, the operation
targeting Pannun was approved by
then-RAW chief Samant Goel.
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun is an
India-designated terrorist who holds
American and Canadian citizenship.
Earlier in November, the US Justice
Department unsealed an indictment
against an Indian national for his al-
leged involvement in a foiled plot to
assassinate Pannun.
As per the US Justice Depart-
ment indictment, Indian national, Despite the controversies, the Biden administration has reiterated the importance of strategic relations with India (ANI file photo)
Nikhil Gupta, who is currently in
custody, has been charged with the
murder-for-hire of Pannun. directly with the Indian government custody, has been charged with the bilateral extradition treaty between
The US Justice Department has at senior levels...” murder-for-hire of Pannun. the United States and the Czech Re-
claimed that Indian government em- Citing officials and a US indict- The US Justice Department has public.
ployee (named CC-1), who was not ment, the Washington Post report claimed that Indian government em- Following this, MEA said that a
identified in the indictment filed in a claimed that the RAW official iden- ployee (named CC-1), who was not case filed against an individual in a
federal court in Manhattan, recruit- tified as Vikram Yadav had directed identified in the indictment filed in a US court and allegedly linking him
ed an Indian national named Nikhil Indian businessman Nikhil Gupta, federal court in Manhattan, recruit- to an Indian official is a “matter of
Gupta to hire a hitman to carry out now in custody in the Czech Repub- ed an Indian national named Nikhil concern” and is contrary to govern-
the assassination, which was foiled by lic pending extradition to the US to Gupta to hire a hitman to carry out ment policy. India has also set up a
US authorities, according to prose- stand trial in the case, to hire a hit- the assassination, which was foiled by high-level committee to probe the
cutors. man to kill GS Pannun outside his US authorities, according to prose- matter.
But the United States has reit- New York residence. As per the re- cutors. Reacting to the US Justice De-
erated its stance on seeking account- port in the US daily, the operation Gupta is currently in custody and partment’s indictment in Novem-
ability from the Indian government targeting Pannun was approved by has been charged with murder-for- ber 2023, the Ministry of External
in relation to the ongoing investiga- then-RAW chief Samant Goel. hire, which carries a maximum sen- Affairs spokesperson had said, “We
tion into the alleged assassination As per the US Justice Depart- tence of 10 years in prison. Czech au- cannot share any further information
plot of Pannun in New York. Princi- ment indictment, Indian national, thorities had arrested and detained on such security matters. As regards
pal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Nikhil Gupta, who is currently in Gupta on June 30, pursuant to the the case against an individual that
Department of State, Vedant Patel has been filed in a US court allegedly
on Tuesday said that there is an on- linking him to an Indian official, this
going dialogue and that the US ex- is a matter of concern. We have said
pects accountability from the Indian and let me reiterate that this is con-
authorities. trary to government policy.”
Principal Deputy Spokesperson “The nexus between organized
Vedant Patel was asked about the re- crime, trafficking and gun running
cent news article by The Washington and extremists at an international
Post, which named Indian Research level is a serious issue for law enforce-
and Analysis Wing (RAW) official’s ment agencies and organizations to
involvement in the alleged plot to consider and it is precisely for that
kill Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant reason that a high-level committee
Singh Pannun in the US. has been constituted and we will ob-
Addressing the White House viously be guided by its results”, the
briefing, Patel said, “So we contin- spokesperson said.
ue to expect accountability from the The row which began with the
Government of India based on the Pannun cases has now taken another
results of the Indian inquiry com- dimension, with more controversies
mittee’s work, and we are regularly rising every now and then. Only after
working with them and inquiring for June 4, when the results of the Indi-
additional updates.” Members of JAGO party and Sikh Welfare Organization protest against ISI and Gurpatwant an election is out and a new govern-
Patel further affirmed, “We’ll Singh Pannun at the Pakistani High Commission New Delhi (ANI File Photo) ment is former, the true nature of In-
also continue to raise our concerns dia-US relations may come to light.