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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                        MAY 07, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          19

        USICOC Foundation expects  said Sanjeev Joshipura, exec- fer to families who have lost  the state and country, and for
        to send a third shipment of an- utive director of Indiaspora.  a primary earning member  decades the family physician,
        other 25 ventilators in the next  “We hope Saturday’s event will  through  the  nonprofit  giving  friend and confidante of former
        few days in addition to several  continue to raise awareness  platform GiveIndia, and food  Senate Majority Leader Harry
        hundred oxygen concentrators. and provide another opportu- relief and livelihood assistance  Reid (D.-Nev.) is also taking a
            In   California,     Indiaspo- nity for all of us to give. This  for migrant workers and oth- high-level delegation to meet
        ra,  a  nonprofit  community  of  has the potential to serve as a  er underserved populations  with Vice President Kamala
        global Indian diaspora leaders,  launch pad for additional and  through nonprofits Goonj and  Harris to help release/expedite
        announced they raised $1 mil- much-needed help for relief ef- Jan Sahas.                                      the raw materials needed for
        lion toward COVID-19 relief  forts in India.”                                In  Nevada,  longtime  com- vaccine in India.
        efforts within the last 48 hours,       On May 3, Indiaspora  munity and political activist,                      Dr. Prabhu had earlier
        and will aim to double the im- launched its ‘Chalo Give for  Dr. Prabhu Rachakonda (For- played a very important role in
        pact of their donations by of- India’ Covid relief initiative.           mer President of Indian Amer- helping India with the US-India
        fering to match funds May 1             The $1 million will ad- ican Forum for Political Edu- Civil Nuclear deal by arranging
        during the virtual event, “Help  dress three major areas of  cation), has donated $ 15,000  for a meeting between the then
        India Breathe,” reports ANI.         COVID-19 relief on the  towards Gandhian Foundation  Indian Ambassador and Sena-
           “We are proud of our com- ground: the creation of urgent- to help towards supply of Ox- tor Reid who was the then sen-
        munity’s response. The out- ly needed COVID care cen- ygen  Concentrators  to  India.  ate majority leader. The Indian
        pouring  of  support  from  the  ters and makeshift hospitals  Dr. Rachakonda of Las Vegas,  American community is proud
        Indian  diaspora has  been  im- through  the  nonprofit  WISH  Nevada — one of the most in- of the services of leaders like
        mediate and overwhelming,”  Foundation, direct cash trans- fluential  Indian  Americans  in  Dr. Prabhu.

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