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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MAY 07, 2021 | The Indian Eye 20
coronavirus surGe in india
BaPs charities mobilizes resources to save lives
Our Bureau providers and those displaced If you wish to help BAPS $190,000 in financial assistance
by the pandemic. In addition to Charities continue its on-the- and prepared and delivered
New York the physical support, volunteers ground efforts in India bat- over 90,000 meals, food and
he COVID-19 pandemic are supporting the silent victims tling this dire second wave of care packages to those battling
continues to wreak hav- of the pandemic, the families of the COVID-19 pandemic, visit the Coronavirus.
Toc on communities across the afflicted, by providing hot BAPS Charities is a global
the globe. India faces an unpar- meals and more importantly All funds collected will be used charity active in nine countries
alleled COVID-19 crisis with comfort and emotional support. to directly support efforts in In- across five continents. Volun-
daily new cases reaching over Around the world, BAPS dia, including preparing ship- teers drive its efforts, dedicating
300,000. The healthcare infra- Charities is mobilizing its re- ments of oxygen concentrators, a portion of their lives in selfless
structure in India, including sources to help combat the supporting those who desper- service of others, both in their
hospitals, medical clinics, and surge of case in India. Start- ately need treatment and med- local neighborhoods as well as
medical equipment are all be- ing on May 1, 2021 the BAPS ical supplies. globally. Working in five key
ing pushed to the brink— with Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi BAPS Charities has been areas, BAPS Charities aims to
many sick people unable to re- arranged for the supply of 44 committed to humanitarian express a spirit of selfless ser-
ceive treatment and care. metrics tons of liquid oxygen and disaster relief across the vice through Health Awareness,
BAPS Charities, through its to be delivered to the people globe. From the onset of the Educational Services, Human-
network of partner hospitals in of India and is working towards COVID-19 Pandemic, BAPS itarian Relief, Environmental
India and newly created tempo- supplying a total of 440 metric Charities mobilized volunteers Protection & Preservation and
rary medical facilities, is work- tons which is the equivalent of globally to deliver any PPE and Community Empowerment.
ing to accommodate the surge 60,000 oxygen cylinders. In the hot meals to first responders, From organizing projects that
of patients unable to receive U.K, local volunteers organized frontline workers and the vul- raise funds for local and global
medical care. Through provid- a 48-hour non-stop static relay nerable. Additionally, BAPS needs, to supporting humani-
ing ventilators, oxygen supplies, cycle fundraiser, covering the Charities has provided direct tarian relief in times of urgent
concentrators, medicines, med- distance from London to Delhi. financial assistance to numer- need; from hosting community
ical therapies, and other diag- Among those partaking in the ous hospitals, medical centers, health fairs to sustaining hospi-
nostic services, BAPS Charities fundraiser was London Mayor and various community sup- tals and schools in developing
is endeavoring to save as many Sadiq Khan. BAPS Charities port organizations. In USA, countries, BAPS Charities pro-
lives as possible. The organiza- also delivered 30 oxygen con- BAPS Charities provided over vides an opportunity for indi-
tion is providing PPE and other centrators from USA and is in 175,000 pieces of personal pro- viduals wishing to serve locally
necessary supplies to healthcare the process of sending 150 more. tective equipment, donated and globally.
www.TheIndianEYE .com