Page 18 - The Indian EYE 050721
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                        MAY 07, 2021  |    The Indian Eye                          18

                           covid-19 crisis: operation help india

                              From houston to california,

          indian groups pitch in with ventilators,

                   oxygen concentrators and money

         Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston sends aid; Gandhian

                  Foundation receives fund, and Indiaspora raises $ 1million for support

        Our Bureau                                                                                                       Ahluwalia also acknowl-

        New York                                                                                                      edged the contributions made
                                                                                                                      by the logistics and cargo teams
              he Indo-American Cham-                                                                                  at Perimeter Global Logistics,
              ber of Commerce of                                                                                      United Airlines and Southwest
       TGreater Houston is proud                                                                                      Airlines who are helping to car-
        has worked with the US India                                                                                  ry the cargo at no cost.
        Chamber of Commerce of Dal-                                                                                       Neel Gonuguntla, Presi-
        las Fort Worth through the USI-                                                                               dent of the US India Chamber
        COC Foundation and have just                                                                                  of Commerce in Dallas who is
        shipped  another  32  portable                                                                                helping to lead the efforts said,
        ventilators (for a total of over                                                                             “This collective community ef-
        50 ventilators shipped) to aid                                                                                fort is the result of hundreds of
        in India’s COVID19 pandemic                                                                                   helping hearts.”
        relief efforts on Monday which                                                                                   The President of the IT
        reached  India  on  Wednesday,                                                                                Serve Alliance, partnered with
        according to a statement.                                                                                     the USICOC Foundation and
                                                                                                                      donated over $100,000 to send-
                                                                                                                      ing ventilators to India said, “
        this  second  shipment  of                                                                                    We want India to know that the
                                                    a patient with a breathing problem receives oxygen support
        32 ventilators are head-                  (Funded by PMCares) amidst the spread of coronavirus disease        ITSERVE Alliance community

        ed to government and                 (COViD-19), inside the Medicine Ward of Safdarjung Hospital, in new Delhi   has your back to provide the
                                                                                                                      help in any way we can,” said
        nGo hospitals in 7 states                               on Friday. (ani Photo/Rahul Singh)                    Raghu Chittimala, President,

        across india as well as to  USA to Delhi and Mumbai as  American  Doctors,  Austin  In-                       IT Serve Alliance.
                                                                                                                         The US India Chamber of
        the indian red cross.                part of their larger giving cam- dian Community, USICOC                  Commerce DFW and the Indo
                                             paign.                              Foundation, IACCGH, IIT
                                                IACCGH President Tarush  Alumni Association of North                  American  Chamber  of  Com-
            Jagdip Ahluwalia, Execu-         Anand said that in addition to  Texas, India Association of              merce of Greater Houston,
        tive/Founding Director of the        dozens  of  private  donors,  the  North Texas, Gujarati Samaj of        which normally facilitate trade
        Indo-American  Chamber of                                                                                     between the two countries,
        Commerce of Greater Hous-            nearly two dozen organizations  Dallas, Global Hindu Heritage            came together to unite the en-
        ton (IACCGH) who is leading          have supported these efforts  Foundation, among others.                  tire Texas Indian-American di-
        efforts  on  behalf  of  Houston     include: Sri Meenakshi Temple           IACCGH member Abeezer            aspora in this important effort
                                             Society, Ismaili Jamatkhana in  Tyebji, a Houston-based tech-
        community  in  coordination          Houston, Dallas Indian Lions  nology entrepreneur and a                  through the USICOC Foun-
        with the USICOC Foundation           Club, Karya  Siddhi Hanuman  representative of the Dawoodi               dation.   The first shipment of
        credited many community or-                                                                                   20 ventilators were shipped out
        ganizations and individual busi-     Temple of Frisco, Dawoodi  Bohra Community said, “Islam                  last week and reached the Indi-
        ness owners for these efforts        Bohra Community, IT Serve  teaches us to aid all humanity,               an Red Cross last Friday, April
        and  thanked  IACCGH mem-            Alliance, Ekta Mandir- DFW  and as such to help India in this            30, 2021 in addition to the 32
        ber United Airlines for trans-       Hindu Temple, Ryan LLC.,  time of need is both a matter of               that reached India today.  The
                                                                  Foundation, faith as it is one of kinship for
        porting the ventilators from the     BITOSA, West Texas Indian  the Dawoodi Bohras.”                             Continued on next page... >>

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