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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MAY 07, 2021 | The Indian Eye 17
COViD19 supplies from the US containing 1m Rapid Diagnostic Tests, 545 oxygen concentrators, 1,600,300 n95 masks, 457 oxygen cylinders, 440
regulators, 220 pulse oximeters, and 1 Deployable Oxygen Concentration System arrived in india so far. (Left) COViD19 supplies from the US containing
at the Delhi airport. (ani Photo)
ered N95 masks, and have more wrenching,” Dr. Sudhakar Jon- Services, Washington DC and Dr. Sajani Shah, Chair of
ready to send. We have delivered nalagadda, President of AAPI currently serving as AAPI’s AAPI BOT, said, “We have a
doses of Remdesivir to treat said, “We at AAPI are deter- Legislative Wing Chairman. team of volunteers and support
COVID patients,” she added. mined to mobilize the massive AAPI has been working and guidance of experienced
Recently, the White House medical help and support, that with the White House officials leaders, who have come for-
announced that the US will India needs at this hour. Any to have an in-person meeting ward to enable and empower
be delivering medical supplies further spread of such toxic ma- arranged for the AAPI leader- our efforts to curtail this crisis.”
worth more than USD 100 mil- terial around the globe can only ship to meet with President Joe “We are continuing to inter-
lion in the coming days to India be apocalyptical, a specter that Biden, Vice President Kamala act with the physicians back in
to provide urgent relief as the could be prevented now.” Harris and other top US admin- India to answer their questions.
country battles a new wave of Dr. Jonnalagadda said, istration leaders, urging the im- AAPI as a group and individu-
COVID-19 cases. “AAPI, the second largest Med- portance and the need to send al physicians are reaching out
Under the immediate emer- ical Association in USA after the much-needed vaccines to almost on a daily basis with
gency COVID-19 Assistance, the AMA, has been galvanized India to prevent and contain the doctors on ground in India,”
Washington is providing 1700 extensively, and AAPI has im- spread of the virus. Dr. Ravi Kolli, Vice President
oxygen concentrators, an initial mediately shipped over a thou- In the letters sent to the 100 of AAPI said, adding that it is
delivery of 1,100 cylinders, mul- sand Oxygen generators, masks, US Senators, while acknowl- in addition to the calls being
tiple large-scale Oxygen Gen- PPPs and essential supplies, and edging the respect and influ- received from their friends and
eration Units to support up to our pipeline will continue until ence each of them command on families back home.
20 patients each, to India. The the pandemic is overcome. As Capitol Hill, Dr. Shivangi said, “Indeed, a proud moment
Biden administration has also with anyone else, our doctors be- “we seek your strongest effort for AAPI,” said Dr. Amit
redirected its own order of As- lieve that they can best carry out to convince the White House to Chakrabarthy, Secretary of
traZeneca manufacturing sup- our service to God through our permit more vaccine raw mate- AAPI. “The prestigious New
plies to India, which will allow it service to our fellow humans.” rial to be released immediately York Times as the second most
to make over 20 million doses of While providing all pos- for local vaccine production, as prominent international or-
the COVID-19 vaccine. sible help and support that is well as increasing all types of ganization in this effort (after
Meanwhile, the American essential at this critical period, assistance, in a catastrophe of UNICEF)!!! This is a proud
Association of Physicians of AAPI recognizes that “In the such magnitude.” moment for all of us. Please
Indian-Origin (AAPI), which long term, vaccination is the AAPI has urged the Indian continue to support and donate
represents nearly 100,000 thou- still the best therapy and hope. American community “to be at”
sands of Indian-origin Doctors At present, India is experienc- the spokespersons for humanity, Dr. Sathesh Kathula, Trea-
in the US, has been in the fore- ing acute and severe shortages and convince our President, Mr. surer of AAPI said, “In less than
front, pioneering efforts both of the Covid-19 vaccines. Astra Joseph Biden, our Vice - Presi- a week, AAPI has raised USD
here in the US and back home Zeneca is releasing 60 million dent, Mrs. Kamala Harris, along 2.6 million. AAPI has so far sent
in India, spearheading numer- vaccines after due FDA approv- with the Chief of White House 1,000 oxygen concentrators and
ous initiatives to help, guide and al this month. We urge the US Mr. Ron Klain, and not the is in the process of sending an-
support the people and the phy- government to release send at least, your colleagues in the US other 1,000. We have tied up
sician community in India on least 30 million doses of the vac- Senate. We are delighted that with UNICEF, Sewa Interna-
ways to combat and overcome cine to India,” said Dr. Sampat President has declared Ameri- tional USA, and several other
the deadly virus. Shivangi, Member National Ad- ca’s return to world affairs, and non-profit bodies to secure and
While describing the cur- visory Council, SAMHSA, Cen- he should be at the helm of this coordinate efforts to reach help
rent situation in India as “heart ter for National Mental Health emergency response.” to the suffering in India.”
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