Page 16 - The Indian EYE 050721
P. 16
North The Indian Eye
16 MAY 07, 2021
covid-19 crisis
‘OPeratiOn send
HelP tO india’
us determined to give support amid covid-19 surge, says Kamala harris;
aapi writes to 100 us senators urging release of astra Zeneca vaccines to india
Our Bureau India: Perspectives from the Di-
Washington, DC aspora’.
The Vice President extended
ndia is in a desperate situa- deepest condolences to those
tion, pleading with countries who have lost their loved ones to
Iaround the world to send the COVID-19. Harris reminded
help. India is especially looking that India sent assistance when
at the US to provide support. US hospital beds were stretched
Both the US government and and now Washington is deter-
Indian American organizations mined to help India “as friends,
are now sending help. as members of Asian Quad and
India is struggling with an un- as part of the global community”.
precedented second wave of the “At the beginning of the pan-
COVID-19 pandemic with more demic, when our hospital beds
than 400,000 daily new coro- were stretched, India sent assis-
navirus cases being reported in tance. Today, we’re determined
the past few days. The spread to help India in its hour of need.
of COVID-19 in India is esca- US Vice President Kamala Harris attend an overview We do this as friends of India, as
lating and the associated mor- of US Government relief efforts and a panel of indian american leaders members of the Asian Quad and
bidity and mortality is causing discussing diaspora-led efforts to address the current emergency, as part of the global communi-
havoc and panic in the society. in Washington, D.C. on Friday. (ani) ty. I believe that if we continue
The critical shortage of essential to work together - across na-
supplies of medication, oxygen, tions and sectors - we will all get
ventilators and physicians burn through this,” she said.
out have a further catastrophic Harris has noted that the
consequence in the survival of US has announced its “full sup-
hundreds of millions of Indian port” for suspending patents on
citizens. COVID-19 vaccines - to help In-
Asserting that the welfare of dia and other nations vaccinate
India is critically important to their people more quickly. “On
the United States, US Vice Pres- Monday, April 26, President Joe
ident Kamala Harris on Friday Biden spoke with the Prime Min-
said Washington is determined ister to offer our support. By Fri-
to New Delhi in “its hour of day, April 30, U.S. military mem-
need” amid a COVID-19 surge bers and civilians were delivering
in the country. Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Member relief on the ground,” she said.
Addressing an event, Harris President of aaPi national advisory Council “Already, we have delivered
said that the surge of COVID-19 refillable oxygen cylinders, with
infections and deaths in India is India. My mother was born and ically important to the United more to come. We have deliv-
nothing “short of heartbreak- raised in India. And I have fami- States,” she said, while address- ered oxygen concentrators, with
ing”. “As many of you know, gen- ly members who live in India to- ing the event titled: ‘Bolstering more to come. We have deliv-
erations of my family come from day. The welfare of India is crit- US COVID-19 Relief Effort in Continued on next page... >>
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