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Art & culture                                                              MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          36

                                                     Q&a wIth nIghat afshan

            “I formed makeup artists association of america

                      to create a master platform for all artists”

                                             from  less fortunate  places,  I        What were your early challeng- and barely speaking any English
                                             thought it could be a good way  es? How did you overcome them?           to having my own magazine and
                                             to make a mark on the world             Honestly, the feedback I re- beauty business empire gives
                                             while also pursuing something I  ceive from my clients and the joy  me immense satisfaction.
                                             love to do. Now I get the best of  I get from making someone’s               What     made     you    form
                                             both worlds, both the glamour  day better make up for all of the         MUAAA? What is its mission?
                                             and the good.                       challenges I had to go through. I        I would hope so, I believe
                                                Where did you get your formal  started with nothing but a dream  we as a society are evolving to
                                             training?                           initially, I went from working  accept people of different races
                                                I am a licensed esthetician  retail at Macy’s and speaking  and backgrounds in positions
                                             and I studied at the Innovate  barely any English to having my  of power. It’s very fortunate
                                             Salon academy to attain my li- magazine and beauty empire.               how  we  are  progressing  into  a
                                             cense. I also received a certifica-     Is mainstream ready to accept  more inclusive future, however,
                                             tion from the Makeup Forever  a South Asian makeup artist?               there is still much more work
                                             Academy in New York City,               Honestly, the feedback I re- to do. Thankfully the majority
                                             along with completing a micro- ceive from my clients and the  of prominent makeup artists in
                                             blading course from Eye Design  joy I get from making some- the industry are people of color

                 NIGHAT AFSHAN               which was also in New York. I  one’s day better makes up for  which set precedents for us art-
                                             also have taken technical make- all of the challenges I had to  ists and good examples for so-
        She is the founder and president of   up classes in Dubai specifically  go through. I started with noth- ciety. I believe that your talent
        Makeup Artists association of Amer-  from the Michelly Palma master  ing but a dream initially, I went  should always speak for itself.
        ica (MUAAA). Founder and President   class.                              from working in retail at Macy’s         How have you adapted to chal-
        of the Magazine Makeup America,                                                                               lenges during Covid19?
        she is one of the magnetic and ver-                                                                               I formed the Makeup Artists
        satile personalities of this new dy-                                                                          Association of America because
        namic  fashion  and  beauty  industry                                                                         I wanted to create a master plat-
        who exploded the makeup world                                                                                 form that would house all artists
        across continents. Licensed estheti-                                                                          and give them the platform they
        cian from New Jersey, she has done                                                                            deserve. I believe that there is
        various  certifications  from  different                                                                      so much raw talent in this world
        other makeup-associated institutions.                                                                         and  finding  exposure  and  a
        Having the experience of almost 7                                                                             strong platform that gives the
        years working with many celebrity                                                                             world a chance to see that tal-
        figures,  she  is  one  of  the  most  re-                                                                    ent is very hard to find. With this
        nowned makeup artists.                                                                                        association, I want to promote
                                                                                                                      unity, art, and inspiration.
            Taking her talent to the next                                                                                 Spending time with family
        level, Nighat has successfully                                                                                has helped me cope with all of
        launched the Talent management                                                                                the changes, however, I would
        portal, named modelling city.                                                                                 say that time and getting used
                                                                                                                      to Quarantine life helped me
        In an interview with the Indian                                                                               adjust to the process.
                                                                                                                          What are your goals in profes-
        eye, nighat spoke about hav-                                                                                  sional life?
        ing a positive vision, an opinion                                                                                 A professional career goal I

        and  a  great  story  blended  to                                                                             have for myself would be to have
                                                                                                                      many successful master makeup
        achieve the desired success.                                                                                  classes  to  share  my  knowledge

        excerpts:                                                                                                     with the world. However, I pri-
                                                                                                                      oritize being a good human with
            What made you choose a career                                                                             strong developed values over any
        in fashion and beauty industry?                                                                               career goal. I have much more to
            I initially became a makeup                                                                               do on my list and cannot wait to
        artist to be able to doll up brides                                                                           share them with the world soon.

                                                               www.TheIndianEYE .com
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