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Business EYE                                                               MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          41

                                                                    Tech T@lk

                google stadia might roll                                          microsoft 365’s web version to

            out touch-screen control on                                                    convert docs into PPts

                                   android                                                couple of days after  feature. As per the help page, it
                                                                                          tech company Micro- is at present accessible for select
               ech giant Google’s cloud  only been discovered in the An-         A soft reported that it  clients only and will be step by
               gaming service Stadia is  droid version of Stadia, and will       would uphold changing  over  step carrying out to everybody
        Ttesting touchscreen con- later be rolled over to the web                Word records into PowerPoint  around the world. The slides are
        trols on Android, and might roll  version for iOS, too. As reported      introductions, the organisa- gotten from your segment head-
        out a ‘direct touch’ feature in it  by The Verge, Google has not of-     tion on Wednesday made the  ers in the archive, so try to sort
        soon. According to The Verge,  ficially detailed direct touch for        transformation feature live. As  out your Word record appro-
        9to5Google has analysed the  Stadia. Microsoft’s xCloud game             reported by Mashable, the us- priately for ideal ideas. In light
        latest Stadia release on Android  streaming  service  has  imple-        ers with Microsoft 365 mem- of catchphrases in your archive,
        and found multiple references to  mented a variety of touch con-         berships can essentially open  Designer in PowerPoint will
        a  “direct  touch”  feature.  Once  trols across more than 20 games,     their Word record on the web,  recommend symbolism, sym-
        enabled, direct touch will allow  allowing Xbox players to enjoy         click on File > Export >  bols, recordings, themes[,] and
        Stadia users to tap, swipe, and  games without a controller. The         Export to PowerPoint intro- textual styles to organize your
        pinch elements in games, or con- Verge unveiled that Google also         duction, select the subject, and  substance. You can generally
        tinue to use a Bluetooth or USB  appears to be readying Android          afterwards  stand  two  or three  change the recommended con-
        controller. However, it is not  TV support for Stadia. 9to5Goo-          seconds while the assistance  tent if necessary,” Microsoft’s
        yet clear which games will sup- gle noted that there are explicit        naturally changes over it into  Andrea Eoanou writes in the
        port direct touch, though Stadia  references to Android TV in this       a PowerPoint slide deck. This  declaration post. As detailed by
        currently has very limited sup- latest Stadia app update. Stadia         component is only just acces- Mashable, this component just
        port for touchscreen controls in  launched on Chromecast Ultra           sible in English. It works only  fares text as of now, Microsoft
        games like Monopoly that allow  devices, but support for Android         in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.  added. The trading of other me-
        users to toggle a touch mode on.  TV has been missing since Sta-         However, Internet Explorer and  dia content is not at present ac-
        This new direct touch feature has  dia’s debut more than a year ago.     Safari are not supported by this  cessible.

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