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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MARCH 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 34
“weaving traditions: textiles of India”
on show at woodbridge, nJ
eaving Traditions: Tex-
tiles of India” is an
Wexhibit personally cu-
rated by Sonal Gadhavi and pre-
sented by Barron Arts Center,
Woodbridge, NJ. Grant funding
has been provided by the Mid-
dlesex County Board of County
Commissions through a grant
award from Middlesex County
Cultural and Arts Trust Fund.
This exhibit is a part of the
series, “Textiles Reimagining
New Jersey”, sponsored by the
Woodbridge Township Cultural
Arts Commission with the sup-
port of Mayor John McCormac.
Exhibit Organizer Ms. Sonal
Gadhavi is a Fashion Designer,
Illustrator, and Educator. Sonal
Gadhavi serves as an Art Com-
missioner at Woodbridge Town-
Sonal Gadhavi has put in
her time, efforts, and resources
towards this beautiful exhibit.
Sonal thanks each of the com-
munity leaders, friends & fam-
ily for their continuous support
and guidance in her effort to
preserve & promote the Indi-
an art and cultural traditions of
weaving & dyeing.
Shri Albert Jasani of the
Royal Albert’s Palace, Coun-
cilman Shri Viru Patel, Shri
Mukeshbhai Kashiwala, Hon-
orable Director of Barron Arts
Center Ms. Cynthia Knight, the
Woodbridge Township Cultural
Arts Commission, the Honor-
able Board of Commissioners
of the Middlesex County, Man-
dap Milap of Edison, NJ, have
supported this exhibit from the
The IACONA, Indian of Woodbridge Township Mr. Township Mayor John McCor- ing the beauty of India to the
American Community of North John McCormac on Wednesday, mac and Hon. Consulate Gen- people of US through the tradi-
America hosted this event and March 17, 2021 to review the ex- eral Shri Randhir Jaiswal whole- tions of Weaving & Textile. The
this fabulous showcase of the hibit. Many community leaders heartedly thanked the Exhibit special aspect of this tradition
Indian arts. joined the welcome ceremonies, Organizer Ms. Sonal Gadhavi. is handcrafted artifacts using
Barron Arts Center wel- and the Chief Guests were hon- Honorable Consul General natural fibers and natural dyes.
comed Honorable Consulate ored with bouquets of flowers of India Mr. Randhir Jaiswal These traditions are sustainable,
General of India Shri Randhir and plaque awards. said, “Thanks to Sonal Gadhavi climate-friendly, and helpful for
Jaiswal and Honorable Mayor Honorable Woodbridge & everyone involved for bring- Continued on next page... >>
www.TheIndianEYE .com