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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                    MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          30

                                                      InterVIew of the weeK

            “my candidacy is bringing a renewed

          sense of purpose to the united nations”

                       Q&A with Akanksha Arora, candidate for UN Secretary General

                kanksha Arora, a na-                                                                                  than people serving.
                tive of India and citizen                                                                                You have been very critical of
       Aof Canada, submitted a                                                                                        the way the UN is being run, even
        formal letter of application for                                                                              calling it ‘wasteful’. Do you real-
        the role of United Nations Sec-                                                                               ly expect any government to sup-
        retary General for the 2022-27                                                                                port your candidature? Have you
        term. The 34-year-old aims to                                                                                 approached  any  government  for
        replace current Secretary Gen-                                                                                support?
        eral Antonio Guterres, 71, vet-                                                                                   My criticism is founded in
        eran Portuguese statesman as                                                                                  facts. The UN spends more than
        well as former UN High Com-                                                                                   50 billion dollars annually. Only
        missioner for refugees. Aro-                                                                                  30 cents of every dollar go to-
        ra has worked at the UN for                                                                                   wards the actual cause. The rest
        around four years as an auditor                                                                               goes to bureaucracy. The UN
        who was recruited from an ac-                                                                                 claims it cannot meet the needs
        counting firm.                                                                                                of the 85 million refugees and
            Arora was born in Haryana                                                                                 displaced people because of a
        and spent her early years in                                                                                  funding gap of ~4 billion. How-
        Saudi Arabia. Her parents, both                                                                               ever, their annual travel budget,
        doctors, had relocated there.  such a step, which may seem au-               Despite  knowing  all  the  which includes business and
        She was in India from age 9 to  dacious to some people?                  facts, no one is willing to do  first-class travel, is $2.3 billion.
        18 years, before she decided to         Three specific events led to      something  about  it.  You  can  After the Haiti earthquake in
        move to Canada. She graduat- my decision to run. First: Short-            say I am a believer in the UN  2010, the UN sent peacekeep-
        ed from York University and  ly after I began working at the              system, and I don’t want to give  ers who brought cholera to the
        worked for PricewaterhouseC- UN, I was struck by a taxicab               up on it. Not now. Never. With  country that killed 10,000 Hai-
        oopers Canada as an auditing  walking home in a snowstorm                the right leadership, the UN  tians. In 2016 it was established
        manager. She was hired by the  on Feb 9, 2017. I spent eight              can  fulfill  its  promise  to  the  that the UN was required to pay
        UN to help improve its internal  hours in a New York City hospi-         world and do tremendous work  $400 million in compensation.
        financial controls. It is then that  tal emergency room, not know-       worldwide that makes a differ- As of 2021, the UN has not yet
        her  admiration for the organi- ing if I would ever be able to           ence in people’s lives.              paid that amount.
        zation turned to shock.              walk again. With God’s grace, I         Thirdly, when I went on my           No country should accept
            While working, she went  made a full recovery. It was in             first field mission trip to Ugan- that taxpayer dollars given to
        back to school and attended  those moments, being so close               da, I saw a child eating mud on  the UN are not used for the
        Columbia University’s gradu- to death, that I vowed to myself            the streets. This image of a child  cause intended. I believe all
        ate programme in public ad- that I would no longer put off               eating mud is forever scarred in  governments want a UN that
        ministration.                        my desire to make a difference.     my memory. But when I asked  works and helps those in need.
                                             Secondly, over the last few years,   a senior UN leader if there was  In my candidacy countries have
        In an interview with  the            I have had countless discussions    anything we could do, he re- a real alternative to choose
        Indian  eye,  arora spoke            with people at different levels     plied, “mud has iron, and it’s  someone who is a clean slate,
                                                                                 good for children.” The indif- has credibility, brings fresh
                                             of the UN system - employees,
        about  her  life,  motto  and  member states, donors, senior             ference and entitlement within  ideas to the table and can ener-

        campaign for the post of             leadership,  civil society - and    the UN’s leadership towards  gize the youth. I must say this
                                             it’s no secret to anyone that the
                                                                                 the people they were supposed  election is a test for me, but it’s
        un chief. excerpts:                  UN is failing. The UN is the        to  serve (the  most  vulnera- a bigger test for the United Na-
                                             world’s  leading  organization      ble) left me speechless. I wish  tions. The UN preaches gender
            At the age of 34, with no diplo- for responding to the refugee       I could say this was an isolated  equality and youth inclusive-
        matic experience, you are running  crisis, managing and addressing       example. I have continuously  ness to all and now they have
        for the post of UN Secretary-Gen- humanitarian emergencies, and          observed that the UN’s leader- to show if they really mean it or
        eral. What motivated you to take  developing nations.                     ship team is more self-serving         Continued on next page... >>

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