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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                    MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          26

           nJ attorney general issues subpoena for

                                   edison racist flyer records

                   Lawmaker tells Gurbir Grewal to empanel grand jury to solve the case

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    to identify and bring     to justice
                                                                                                                      the perpetrators of  the Edison
        Edison, NJ                                                                                                    hate crime mailer despite what
              he New Jersey Attorney                                                                                  appears to be overwhelming
              General’s  office  last  week                                                                           evidence in the public domain
       Tsubpoenaed Edison Town-                                                                                       which identifies the perpetrators
        ship for documents related to                                                                                 and their motive,” Peterson told
        an anonymous racist flyer in the                                                                              Grewal in a letter, the latest in
        2017 election and empaneled a                                                                                 a volley between the GOP law-
        grand jury to determine if any-                                                                               maker and the state’s top law en-
        one will be charged, according to                                                                             forcement official.
        a report in the New Jersey Globe,                                                                                 Peterson says there appears
        which “has obtained a copy of                                                                                 to  be  “sufficient  credible  evi-
        the subpoena”.                                                                                                dence readily available” to begin
            The subpoena follows calls by                                                                             the grand jury process.
        local  officials,  including  Edison   Attorney General Gurbir Grewal         Assemblyman Erik Peterson          “You office’s failure to identify
        Mayor Thomas Lankey, Council                                                                                  and bring charges for any crimes
        President Robert Diehl, Coun- been contacted by state or coun- role.                                          committed emboldens other big-
        cilman Sammy Joshi and Assem- ty prosecutors for interviews or              “While the investigation is on- ots to commit acts of hate and
        blyman Erik Peterson (R-Frank- to turn over evidence they have  going, it’s crystal clear that Ma- terror on minority communities,”
        lin) for state prosecutors to  gathered. “After years of hard  hesh Bhagia cannot be allowed  Peterson told Grewal. “The peo-
        identify the culprit behind what  work by the Town Council in- to represent our Democratic Par- ple of Edison deserve, at the very
        has become a 40-month-old cold  vestigative committee that I am  ty after he was directly implicat- least, to know the names of those
        case, the report said.               proud to be a part of, it’s incredi- ed in this heinous crime,” Joshi  who terrorized the Edison Asian
            On a tape obtained by the  bly gratifying to see the Attorney  said. “I am calling on Middlesex  community and that they be held
        New Jersey Globe, Councilman  General’s Office finally act and  County  Democratic  Chairman  accountable  for this  unconscio-
        Ajay Patil said he witnessed  take this important step towards  Kevin McCabe to override the  nable act.”
        Satish Poondi, a partner at the  justice being served against Ma- deeply flawed process of the mu-                In a previous letter, Grewal
        Wilentz law firm, assembling that  hesh Bhagia and his co-conspir- nicipal Democratic committee  denied knowing Satish Poon-
        racist mailer at the home of the  ators in this racist, reprehensible  that Bhagia himself chairs and  di, a partner at the Wilentz law
        Democratic Municipal Chair- act,” said Joshi, a candidate for  hold an open primary for mayor.  firm and a state Democratic par-
        man,  Mahesh  Bhagia,  in  2017,  the  Demcoratic  mayoral  nom- Especially in this current terrify- ty leader.  Poondi is one of two
        New Jersey Globe said.               ination, as per the New Jersey  ing climate we cannot allow our  individuals identified by Edison
            In the final days of the 2017  Globe.                                Democratic Party to be tainted  Councilman Ajay Patil as the mas-
        campaign, some Edison voters            A U.S. Postal Inspector last  by the presence of someone like  termind  behind  the  racist  flyer.
        received a mailer promising to  year  identified  a  group  of  indi- Mahesh Bhagia who willingly fo-             Grewal has also avoided com-
        “Make Edison Great Again,” and  viduals now known as the Edison  mented anti-Asian racism for his  ment on any connection between
        alleging that the “Chinese and  Eight —former Edison Dem- own political gain — Chairman  the  Edison  flyer  and  one  that
        Indians are taking over our town.” ocratic Municipal Chairman  McCabe must act to protect our  showed up in  Hoboken during
            Earlier this week, Edison  Shariq Ahmad; Board of Educa- party.”                                          the same week nearly four years
        Mayor Thomas Lankey and six  tion President Jerry Shi; school                Meanwhile,      Assemblyman ago.  Both flyers appear to have
        members of the township coun- board member Mohin Patel;                  Erik Peterson (R-Franklin) is  targeted a candidate of South
        cil scolded Grewal for his failing  Raj Bhagia, the brother of local  accusing Attorney General Gur- Asian descent.
        to investigate the unsolved mys- party; Aloysius Dsouza; Joseph  bir Grewal of sidestepping his                  “I stand with the Edison
        tery even after a detective from  Dsouza;  Patil  and  Poondi—  as  call for an investigation into a  Asian community and against
        his  office  told  the  local  police  having some involvement in the  40-month-old  unsolved  mystery  those who terrorize with hate
        chief in January 2018 to stand  mailer, but it’s not clear whether  involving a racist flyer in a 2017  and bigotry and will continue to
        down because the attorney gen- the matter has spawned any oth- Edison local election and wants  do so until every person involved
        eral’s office was taking over the  er investigations.                    prosecutors to convene a grand  in this politically motivated hate
        investigation, it added.                Diehl said he and Gomez at- jury probe. “It is evident from  crime  is  publicly  identified  and
            Since then, Lankey, Coun- tended a November 5 meeting  your response that you purposely  brought to justice,” Peterson
        cil President Robert Diehl, and  with U.S. Postal Inspector David  avoided addressing my sole con- said,  according  to  the  New  Jer-
        others have said they have not  Comer where Patil admitted his  cern which is your office’s failure  sey Globe.

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