Page 23 - The Indian EYE 032621
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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MARCH 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 23
Long Island to convey that Bill and swastika as symbol of Nazi General of India, Mr. Jaiswal, from being passed by several
#2727 “was not going anywhere which is wrong and misnomer. pointed out that his ancestral Hindu, Jain, Buddha organi-
and is finished”! That brought As swastika is holy symbol for home in India carries Swastik zations and community lead-
immense joy and satisfaction 2 billion Hindus, Jain, Sikh symbol as sign of blessings and ers through petitions as well
to the Hindu community for and Buddhist for over 7000 goodwill. That the wise men as awareness virtual meetings
who the holy symbol of Swas- years and other ancient cul- and women of NY State Sen- with officials that mattered to
tik is part of our essential be- tures as well. So, this bill is cre- ate and Assembly, chose to ensure that the right connota-
ing! As the Honorable Consul ating another wrong by adding call the Nazi hate symbol, the tion verbiage and understand-
General of India, Mr. Jaiswal, swastika word info into bill hooked cross (Hakenkreuz) as ing was considered before
pointed out that his ancestral Jay Jacobs assured that this Swastik was a clear sign that any final actions were taken.
home in India carries Swastik bill will not go anywhere and will Honorable political leaders of ‘Swastika’, brought many in
symbol as sign of blessings and most likely won’t pass. Other NY made a horrendous error New York together with de-
goodwill. That the wise men lawmakers are willing to bring causing extreme and traumat- termination and fervor to de-
and women of NY State Sen- separate educational bill about ic impact on Hindu children fend its sanctity as it meant to
ate and Assembly, chose to all holy symbols of all religions and their parents. We have them. Because, when it comes
call the Nazi hate symbol, the Dr RAJ BHAYANI, to remain vigilant and aware to religious sentiments and
hooked cross (Hakenkreuz) as President FIPA to ensure that such misrep- about what is held sacred, any
Swastik was a clear sign that resentation doesn’t ever hap- misunderstanding or miscon-
Honorable political leaders of pen again. To that end, Indian ception is passionately held
NY made a horrendous error community must get engaged up and fought for by com-
causing extreme and traumat- and involved in local politi- munities to whom it matters.
ic impact on Hindu children cal and community activities. Yes, that is the recent
and their parents. We have VIBHUTI JHA, story of Swastika, almost
to remain vigilant and aware Media Expert & host to be misunderstood and
to ensure that such misrep- made synonymous with Hit-
resentation doesn’t ever hap- lerism Haken Kreuz or
pen again. To that end, Indian hooked cross - a hate symbol.
community must get engaged he Swastika bill issue has NILIMA MADAN,
and involved in local politi-Tunited the entire commu- Community leader
cal and community activities. nity around our sacred sym-
MUKESH MODI, bol. We are happy to see that
Former President India Day lawmakers are recognizing
Parade, Long Island, NY and addressing the concerns
of the Hindu community about oly Cross of Americans
this bill. But more needs to Hdesecrated by scheming,
be done to ensure that the racist and hateful assault by
Swastika is completely de- elected officials in New York
linked from Hitler’s Hakenk-
reuz and any symbol of hatred. Dr JAY SARKAR,
NIKUNJ TRIVEDI , Community leader t was appalling that the bill
CoHNA Ion Swastika was at the brink
of being passed in the NY As-
e did several zoom meet- sembly after being signed off
by Senators to be known as a
Wings and one on one ‘hate symbol’ and to be taught
meetings with several senators in the schools to children of
and assemblymen. Few at per- multinational backgrounds to
sonal level few at in group on
zoom. Such as Jay Jacob New be understood as such by fu-
York State Democrat Party ture generations.
It brought an immediate
Chair, Todd Kaminski, Kevin t was appalling that the bill and urgent action to stop this
Thomas, Jennifer Rajkumar, convey my happiness and Ion Swastika was at the brink from being passed by sever-
John Liu, Assistant Speak- I warm sense of gratitude to of being passed in the NY al Hindu organizations and
er Phil Ramos, Anna Kaplan. Mr Jacobs, DNC Chairman for Assembly after being signed community leaders through
Several more meetings have Long Island to convey that Bill off by Senators to be known
been scheduled to educate #2727 “was not going anywhere as a ‘hate symbol’ and to be petitions as well as awareness
more lawmakers in New York and is finished”! That brought taught in the schools to chil- virtual meetings with officials
State about history of Swastika. immense joy and satisfaction dren of multinational back- that mattered to ensure that
the right connotation verbiage
Hitler never used term to the Hindu community for grounds to be understood as and understanding was consid-
Swastika. He always said who the holy symbol of Swas- such by future generations. ered before any final actions
Haukenkruz and used it as tik is part of our essential be- It brought an immediate were taken.
hate symbol. Media has shown ing! As the Honorable Consul and urgent action to stop this
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