Page 22 - The Indian EYE 032621
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North                      The Indian Eye


         22                                                                                                                            MARCH 26, 2021

            senator KamInsKy wIthDraws

                                      antI-swastIKa bIll

         The bill provoked a massive uproar by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists living in New York

        Our Bureau

        New York                                                                                                      billion plus worldwide follow-
                                                                                                                      ers who revere and consider the
              enator  Todd  Kaminsky                                                                                  Swastika sacred.
              has decided to withdraw
        Sthe bill that would require                                                                                     COmmunIty VOICes
        NY schools to teach the Swas-                                                                                      agaInst the BIll
        tika as a symbol of hate and in-
        tolerance. The decision comes
        after public outrage by Hindu,
        Buddhist and Jain communities
        across New York, United States,
        and world-wide. Billions of peo-
        ple world-wide consider the
        Swastika as a symbol of peace,
        hope, well-being and prosperity.
            The     Indian    community                                                                                   wastika is a sacred symbol
        worked tirelessly to make sure                                                                                Sfor Hindus, Jains and Bud-
        the bill was withdrawn. Last                                                                                  dhists. It represents well-being,
        week, there was a Zoom meet-                                                                                  progress, prosperity and peace
        ing with the DNC Chairman of                                                                                  in Indic religious philosophy
        NY. After multiple behind the                                                                                 and practice. The Indian-Amer-
        scene meetings with public of-                                                                                ican community has done well
        ficials,  a  first  meeting  laid  the                                                                        to educate legislators, policy
        foundation for the ground work.                                                                               makers and other stakeholders
            The second meeting sealed                                                                                 of the society in the US of the
        the matter. Community and                                                                                     history and deeper meaning of
        leaders stayed focused with a                                                                                 swastika. Such an understand-
        single  purpose.  Dr  Uma  My-                                                                                ing enriches cultural diversity in
        sorekar, a revered leader for                                                                                 the US. I thank Hon. Jay Jacobs,
        more than three decades and             Kamlesh Mehta              Jay Jacobs           Dr Uma Mysorekar      Chair of the NY State Demo-
        force behind the Hindu Temple                                                                                 cratic Committee for his support
        also known as Ganesh Temple in  true spiritual meaning of the  are engaged in review of the Bill  and understanding on this issue.
        Flushing, NY, Consul General  Swastika was organized by Nili- S2727 which is furor currently in                     RANDHIR JAISWAL,
        Randhir Jaiswal, Deputy Con- ma Madan, a well-known com- the Senate Education Commit-                            Consulate General of India
        sul General Shatrughan Sinha,  munity leader from New York  tee and set up for consideration                              New York
        attended and explained the im- and attended by more than 100  in the Assembly.
        portance of Swastika at length.  elected  officials  and  heads  of          Ms Nilima  shared  an infor-
        Community leaders like Dr Raj  various  community  organiza- mative and educational power
        Bhayani, Mukesh Mody, Kam- tions from New York and other  point distinguishing the Swas-
        lesh Mehta, Vibhuti Jha, Krish  regions of US.                           tika and controversial Hakenk-
        Rudra, Dr Jay Sarkar, Narendra          The meeting was held on  reutz (hooked cross) with all the
        Kapoor amongst other spoke to  March  5,  on  a  zoom  call,  was  leaders and elected officials and
        stress the role of Swastika in the  on the most talked  about sub- representatives  of  elected  offi-
        lives of Hindus, Jains and Budh- ject of Swastika that has caused  cials present on zoom meeting.
        has around the world.                furor in the Indian community.          Several leaders spoke to
            The meeting was attended by  The primary goal was to dis- make issue of the disrespect,                     convey my happiness and
        almost 100 community leaders.  cuss, clarify and educate policy  emotional hurt and misrepre- I  warm sense of gratitude to
            Earlier, an excellent infor- makers those who are not fully  sentation the bill would cause  Mr Jacobs, DNC Chairman for
        mative program educating the  informed about Swastika and  specially with respect to the one                     Continued on next page... >>

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