Page 24 - The Indian EYE 032621
P. 24

MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          24

             senator Kaminsky withdraws anti-swastika bill

        >> Continued from previous page...                                                                            ation among Hindu, Jain and
                                                                                                                      Buddhist community. We have
            Now let us keep this mo-                                                                                  no other words or options. We
        mentum going.  This emotion-                                                                                  have to acknowledge and ad-
        al tsunami will eradicate deep                                                                                mit that the entire Jewish com-
        rooted ignorance and prejudice                                                                                munity endured all that pain.
        about Sanatan Dharma (Hin-                                                                                    We have to let them know
        duism).  We, the Hindus, must                                                                                 that we are  very sympathet-
        assert ourselves by reinventing                                                                               ic for what they went through.
        ourselves to our lofty Sanatan           wastika victory is a great  which has enhancement, which                 Only way we can get through
        Dharma. Gone are the days to  Sachievement and united we  is very holy and peaceful, is  this is by educating and bring-
        be timid, to be politically right,  can do anything. Indians need  misunderstood and misrep- ing awareness about “Swas-
        to be showering false praises  to be united to change the world.  resented in the entire world.  tika”  in  Jewish  community.
        and bowing our heads in front  This news made me so happy.                   One of my good friends men-         We have to present and
        of unworthy. Respect the di-                  JYOTI GUPTA,               tioned to me other day, that the  put the Vedic evidence in
        versity. Diversity is strength          Long Island Ladies Circle        Hindu symbol is “Swastika” and  front of them to under-
        not a weakness.  Jump outside                                            the one Hitler used was “Swas- stand            what      SWASTIKA
        the parachute of comfort-zone.      T   he     “Swastika”      symbol tika” ( Swart means self ) which        means to the entire HINDU,
                                                which is moving forward,  is used for self-promotion.
             NARINDER KAPOOR,                clockwise, which has protec-            This “Swastika bill” is hurt-    JAIN & BUDDHIST world.
            Senior community leader          tive energy from Sun God,  ing and created a fearful situ-                     BINA SABAPATHY

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