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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline MARCH 26, 2021 | The Indian Eye 31
these are just words for them. times. In fact, I am currently world, bring technology and ed-
You were born in India, grew re-reading the second book -- ucation - 21st century tools of to
up in Saudi Arabia and Cana- Harry Potter and the Chamber everyone to they can seek eco-
da and now live in the US. How of Secrets. nomic freedom and progress
has this experience of living in so What is your personal motto for themselves, their families,
many different cultures shaped and guiding force as you take on communities and country. The
your thinking? such a huge challenge? UN today feels like an exclusive
Living in these three coun- My guiding force has been castle on the hill for most peo-
tries that have different cul- the image of the child eating ple. I want to create an inclusive,
tures, traditions and norms mud in Uganda. On days I feel transparent and open UN that
has made me a global citizen low, I think about that child and invites people from different
whereby I truly embrace and realize if I don’t fight for her, no backgrounds and experiences
respect diversity. I believe di- one else would. I know the UN to bring in fresh perspectives
versity is the greatest strength is capable of meeting the needs to solutions. Half of the world
of any community and this is of refugees and displaced peo- is under 30. Young people are
what I will bring to the UN as ple and help alleviate suffering our present and the future. I
the Secretary-General. My up- in terms of food, music, dance, and poverty from the world. My want to harness the untapped
bringing in Asia, Middle East films and books as you have lived candidacy is bringing a renewed potential of this generation by
and West allows me to bring my in so many different cultures? sense of purpose to the United allowing them to get involved
understanding of the regional I love Indian food! Within Nations. I want my leadership in the UN in substantial and
dynamics of the region. I am Indian cuisine, I absolutely en- to be about serving people and meaningful ways through lead-
in a unique position to offer a joy South Indian food. Dosa is respecting the UN’s DNA -- ership positions and creating
clean slate of trustworthiness my favorite dish. Music is Pun- guardian for the 85 million ref- an all expenses covered model
and credibility to political im- jabi music. Books: I am a huge ugees and displaced people all where youth can be hands-on
passe discussions. Harry Potter fan. I have re-read over the world, be firefights for and address humanitarian cri-
What are your personal likes those books almost a thousand humanitarian crises all over the ses on the ground.
www.TheIndianEYE .com