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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                                    MARCH 26, 2021  |      The Indian Eye                          32

               gOPIO-Ct holds interactive meeting for

                         the community with Ct lawmakers

        Organizers and Lawmakers at the conference. From l. to r. Dr. Thomas        Participants at the Zoom Meeting of GOPIO-CT Annual Holiday Party.
        Abraham, Cecil Nazareth, Suresh Sharma; Middle Row: from l. to r. Rep.
        Harry Arora, Former Rep. Dr. Prasad Srinivasan and CT Assembly Speaker       Cecil    Nazareth,     Manag-         In his keynote address,
        Matt Ritter; Bottom, CT Assembly Minority Leader Rep. Vincent Candelora  ing Partner, Nazareth CPAs &  Speaker of CT House, Matt Rit-
                                                                                 Member of the Global Tax Policy  ter described 2020 as “strange

        Our Bureau                           professionals and was timely  Committee, Norwalk, CT, shared  year. Nothing we had ever an-
                                             which provided an opportunity  her experiences during the past  ticipated, unprecedented. No
        Stamford, CT
                                             to share their perspectives on  year  as  her  firm  struggled  with  state did perfectly. Our residents
                OVID has impacted all  the impact of the Covid and how  the lack of cash flow. “Demand  take seriously the advice of the
                aspects of our lives, and  perceived the future. Connecti- plummeted, reducing cash flow,”  government  and  scientific  lead-
        Cevery  community in the  cut lawmakers included Speak- Nazareth was appreciative of the  ers. In CT, the vaccinations rates
        US and around the world has  er of the Assembly Mitt Ritter,  Federal Government stepping  very high. It’s unfortunate that
        suffered immense losses due to  Minority Leader Rep. Vincent  in with remedial measures that  we had higher number of deaths.
        the deadly virus, taking a toll on  Candelora and Rep. Harry Aro- have “immensely helped” es- We  will  find  ourselves,  being
        our emotional, physical and eco- ra. The session was moderated  pecially with PPP loans, “which  able to reopen the state by Me-
        nomic wellbeing. Indian Ameri- by former Assemblyman Dr.  have been a big blessing.” With  morial Day.” While expressing
        can businesses, especially in the  Prasad Srinivasan                     Covid impacting the businesses,  gratitude for the contributions
        hospitality, travel & tour groups,      In  his  opening remarks,  Dr.  they have learnt to do new ways  of the Indian Americans, Ritter
        restaurants and some profes- Thomas Abraham, Trustee and  of doing business. Nazareth  said, “You make it diverse and
        sional practices, have suffered  Chairman of Seminar Series,  sought additional funding from  successful. Collegiality and coor-
        huge losses.  The Federal and  GOPIO-CT, set the tone for a  the state and federal  govern- dination between the two parties
        state agencies have been helping  lengthy discussion with sharing  ments in order for the economy  is highly appreciated.” Acknowl-
        many businesses and profession- the context and the need for such  to move on in a healthy manner,  edging that if things get worse,
        al practitioners to get back to  a timely topic. “This is the first  Nazareth expressed “optimism”  he said, “We will change the pol-
        their normal business. However,  time the Indian American com- in the outlook for the economy.                icy depending on the needs. By
        much more help is needed to get  munity in Connecticut is doing              Representing  the  most  im- April 5th, all above 16 and up
        back to normal.                      such a program, bringing togeth- pacted Hotel/Hospitality, Shelly  can get vaccines. That will make
            In this context, a virtual con- er lawmakers and business lead- Nichani, President, Infinity Hos- all the difference.”
        ference on the Zoom “Current  ers to come together and share  pitality Group, Stamford, CT,                       In his response, CT Minority
        and  Post  Covid: Getting Back  their perspectives on Covid and  said, while the industry has been  Leader Rep. Vincent Candelora,
        to Normal Business – An In- its impact on the business com- severely affected by the  pan- praised the state of Connecticut,
        dian  American  Perspective  in  munity in CT. This webinar will  demic, “financial help from the  saying “Globally overall CT has
        Connecticut” with Connecticut  also provide the participants to  Federal government has helped  done very well. Hospitals are
        Lawmakers on Thursday, March  hear the personal experiences.  much, without which it would  competing for quality care. “Dis-
        18th, was organized on by the  As we come out of the pandem- have been catastrophic.” While  coveries of treatment for Covid
        GOPIO-CT Chapter, consid- ic, we also like to see how Con- stating that the hospitality indus- had started in CT, which is un-
        ered one of the most active chap- necticut can take new initiatives  try in CT has been doing overall  derstated.  We need to work on
        ters of GOPIO in cooperation  to reach out those businesses in  very well, but the pandemic has  the need for children. They are
        with Milan Cultural Association  India who may be candidates to  halted the path to progress. He  most impacted by our decisions.
        of Hartford. Participants includ- set up shops in America as Info- was optimistic that with the vac- Kids got isolated more than oth-
        ed state lawmakers and Indian  sys did successfully in Hartford  cines and state help, the industry  ers. We need to be focusing on
        American business leaders and  about two years back.”                    will return to normal soon.          the wellbeing of the kids.”

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