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TECH EYE                                                          FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 29


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          Apple launches Safari technology preview 212

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                 features before they are included in the regular Sa-
        Washington, DC                                                                             fari releases.
                                                                                                      Unlike  the  full  version  of  Safari,  this  exper-
                                                                                                   imental browser does not require a developer ac-
              pple has released Safari Technology Preview                               From SmartTV  Download ZingoTV App
              212,  the  latest  update  for  its  experimental                                    count, making it accessible to a broader audience
        Abrowser.  First  introduced  in  March  2016,                                             eager to test new capabilities.
        Safari Technology Preview is designed to let users                                            Safari Technology Preview allows users to run
        explore and test upcoming features intended for fu-                                        the experimental version of the browser alongside
                                                                                                   the regular Safari browser, ensuring that testing and
        ture releases of the Safari browser.                                            Login|Register with your eMail then
            The new update focuses on enhancing the user                                           feedback do not interfere with daily web usage.
        experience, bringing a variety of bug fixes and im-                                           Although  designed  primarily  for  developers,
        provements in multiple areas.                                                              anyone  with  an  interest  in  web  technologies  can
            The update includes optimizations for a wide                                           download and use Safari Technology Preview.
        range of web technologies such as Authentication,                                             This preview version offers a glimpse into the
                                                                                                   future of Safari, providing both developers and us-
        Canvas,  CSS,  Forms,  JavaScript,  Loading,  Net-                              Start Watching IndiaLife TV  24 Hours LIVE
        working,  PDF,  Rendering,  SVG,  Text,  Web  API,                                         ers the opportunity to explore and provide feedback
        and the Web Inspector, according to Mac Rumours.                                           on new features before they make their way into of-
            These improvements aim to address issues and   Safari Technology Preview allows users to run    ficial Safari updates.
        enhance  the  overall  performance  of  the  browser   the experimental version of the browser alongside the regular   By  gathering  insights  from  real-world  usage,
        for developers and advanced users who rely on cut-        Safari browser (File photo)      Apple aims to improve the quality and stability of
        ting-edge web tools.                                                                       the final features, which ultimately enhance the web
            The latest release of Safari Technology Preview  You can click
                                                     they have already installed Safari Technology Pre-
                                                                                                   browsing experience for all users.
        is compatible with macOS Sonoma and macOS Se-  view from Apple’s official website.            For those interested in learning more about the
        quoia, the most recent versions of macOS.        Apple’s  Safari  Technology  Preview  program   changes included in Safari Technology Preview 212,
            Users can easily download and install the up-  continues to gather valuable feedback from devel-  Apple has made the complete release notes avail-
        date via the Software Update mechanism found in   opers and users.                         able on the Safari Technology Preview website.
                                                         As per Mac Rumours, the goal is to fine-tune
                                                                                                                            (With agency reports)
        System  Preferences  or  System  Settings,  provided  on your browser and watch IndiaLife TV 24 Hours

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